Podcast en español

author: Elizabeth Radkova

Le musicien Fabrice Petit se produit aux côtés des chanteuses de l’ensemble "Shevitsa"

L’année dernière, un personnage surprenant a rejoint le chœur féminin de musique traditionnelle "Shevitsa"/dentelle/ à Sofia : le chanteur d’un groupe de heavy metal canadien a pris sa place à côté des altos. Fabrice Petit a quitté son travail de rêve..

23.06.24 13:00 |

Fabrice Petit – the only guy in a Bulgarian all-female folklore choir

Last September, the all-female choir of the Bulgarian folklore ensemble Shevitsa in Sofia had a surprising new addition: a young man, tattoos and all, the lead singer of a Canadian heavy metal band, who sat neatly next to the last girl on..

19.06.24 13:32 |

Kukeri in the Rhodope Mountains

Lent begins today. Traditionally, in the days before this period of austerity and spiritual reflection begins, Kukeri carnivals are held in many parts of the country . The village of Dedevo in the Rhodopes celebrated Zadushnitsa, or All..

18.03.24 13:34 |

El búlgaro Kirk Kirchev publica un libro-museo sobre la cultura tracia

¿Quiénes fueron los primeros orfebres del mundo? Los tracios, que habitaron tierras búlgaras desde la Edad de Bronce hasta la época de los emperadores romanos, fueron, sin duda, unos de ellos. Y ¿sabían que hay más de 80 tesoros tracios en museos y..

14.01.24 23:05 |

Un Bulgare, auteur du premier Guide de la civilisation thrace

Qui étaient les premiers orfèvres du monde ? Les Thraces en font certainement partie. Ils ont vécu sur les terres bulgares depuis l’âge du bronze jusqu’à l’époque des empereurs romains. Et saviez-vous qu’il existe plus de 80 trésors thraces dans..

11.01.24 13:30 |

Kirk Kirchev: The Keeper of the Thracian Heritage

Who were the world's first goldsmiths? The Thracians, who inhabited Bulgarian lands from the Bronze Age to the time of the Roman emperors, were certainly among them. And did you know that there are more than 80 Thracian treasures in museums and..

10.01.24 17:32 |

"Sara-Nora Prima" - a good start for ballet supernovas

  Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of arts because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life, it is life itself. (The Dance of Life by Havelock Ellis) Life itself in the form of dance will flare up..

04.07.23 16:02 |

En el espejo del agua, un relato en música y baile sobre amor, muerte y celos

“Bozhura bajó, llegó al borde de la roca, se arrodilló y se agachó. En el agua, como en un espejo, apareció su imagen, la miró y le sonrió”… En el espejo del agua era el título de trabajo del relato Bozhura , del maestro del corto..

24.04.23 15:10 |
Leo Mujic

Leo Mujić: Success is to be practiced. I was not born successful

A pearl has been added to the repertoire of the ballet of the Bulgarian National Opera – the ballet “Anna Karenina”. With this year's most important ballet premiere just having triumphantly marched for a second round in April - all performances sold..

10.04.23 14:39 |

NATO expecting smaller offensive operations in Ukraine by end of this month

"There is a stalemate in Ukraine. Both sides take the opportunity to regroup. Time and logistics are critical". This is what a high-ranking official told Bulgarian journalists at NATO headquarters . Offensive operations will be conducted in due time.  The..

14.02.23 14:04 |