author: Diana Tsankova

Alexander Iliev: Addicted people are scared of their feelings and emotions

One out of ten Bulgarians is prone to addictive behavior and using a given substance on a daily basis for a few months usually leads to addiction. The most vulnerable are young people who start abusing stimulants like amphetamines and..

23.08.18 15:34 |
Alexandar Iliev

Alexander Iliev: “Al hombre dependiente le dan miedo sus sentimientos y emociones”

Uno de cada diez búlgaros está predispuesto a tener un comportamiento dependiente y si recurre al uso de determinada sustancia cada día y a lo largo de seis meses, desarrollará una dependencia. Las más vulnerables suelen ser las personas jóvenes que, ya..

23.08.18 13:24 |

Momka Peeva’nın masalsı cam dünyası

Torununa yakın olmak için ABD’ye göç eden bir Bulgar kadını sayesinde cam süsler, sanat objeleri ve eserleri bir ressamın zengin paletini andıran renklerle parıldıyor. Fakat 20 yıl sonra camın zengin tonları ve dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen..

17.08.18 16:15 |

En el mundo mágico de cristal de Momka Peeva

Joyas de cristal, objetos y obras de arte brillan cuan la paleta bondadosa de un pintor gracias a una mujer búlgara que emigró a Estados Unidos con un único sueño…ser abuela. Pero pasados veinte años, su empresa de colores cerca de Seattle prolifera..

17.08.18 13:34 |

Immersing in Momka Peeva’s marvelous world of glass

Glass jewelry, objects and works of art shine in an artistic palette of colors thanks to a Bulgarian woman who emigrated to the United States with the only task of being... a grandmother. But twenty years later, her company for colored glass near..

17.08.18 13:22 |

Prof. Tsvetomir Lukanov – Haidelberg’de çocuk kalp cerrahı

Prof. Tsvetomir Lukanov, Heidelberg Pediyatrik Kalp Cerrahisi Kliniği başkanı ve minör ölüm ve komplikasyon vakalara sahip Alman cerrahlar arasında yer almanın haklı onurunu taşıyan bir doktor. Daha çocukken kendi mesleğini keşfeder ve doktor yazarların..

13.08.18 15:23 |

Le professeur Tsvétomir Loukanov – le chirurgien des cœurs d’enfants à Heidelberg

Dès l’antiquité, les gens étaient conscients de la fragilité du cœur, Homère ayant pour sa part décrit plus de cent types de blessures mortelles obtenues dans les combats. Ce n’est que vers la moitié du siècle précédent cependant que les chirurgiens..

13.08.18 13:20 |

Prof. Tsvetomir Loukanov – savior of children’s hearts in Heidelberg

Even the ancient ones realized the fragility of the heart – yet Homer described over 100 types of deadly injuries in battles. However, it was barely in the mid-20th century when surgeons dared to interfere and carry out a heart surgery. Prof...

13.08.18 12:58 |

Mario Zhekov, the artist who drew inspiration from the beauty of the sea

The artist would move out his atelier to the sea shore where he would capture the moods of the sea and the play of sunrays on its glass surface. He invariably followed the light that waves picked for a fascinating dance thus balancing his soul..

11.08.18 08:00 |

Mario Zhekov, el artista que se inspiró en el elemento del mar

El pintor trasladaba su estudio a la orilla del mar donde captaba el estado de ánimo del elemento del agua y el juego del sol sobre su faz de espejo, y seguía la luz que las olas hacían girar en una danza que equilibraba su alma en armonía con la..

11.08.18 08:00 |