Si Bulgaria lograra volverse atractiva para la construcción de maquinaria mundial, podríamos esperar que los productores globales muestren interés por este país. Así lo declaró Xavier Richert, profesor de La Sorbona, durante la conferencia internacional..
Nëse Bullgaria bëhet një vend tërheqës për industrinë botërore të inxhinierisë, atëherë interesi i prodhuesve të mëdhenj sigurisht do të shtohet. Këtë e tha z. Ksavie Rishe, Prof. nga Sorbona e Parisit gjatë Konferencës Ndërkombëtare “Rritja ekonomike:..
If Bulgaria managed to become attractive to the global engineering industry, it could expect some serious interest from global manufacturers as well. This is what Xavier Richet, Professor at the Sorbonne, said during the international conference..
“10 vitet e fundit shpenzimet për veprimtarinë kërkimore-shkencore në Bullgari nuk kanë ndryshuar ndjeshëm dhe niveli i tyre vazhdon të jetë shumë i ulët – 0.5-0.6 për qind e PBB-së. Në përudha të mëparshme për shkencë janë ndarë më shumë para – 2.5 për..
Over the past 10 years, budget spending for science and research in Bulgaria has remained nearly unchanged and its level is very low - 0.5-0.6 percent of the country’s GDP. In the past, Bulgaria used to spend 2.5 percent of the GDP for science,..
En los últimos 10 años en Bulgaria casi no ha cambiado la cuantía de los medios presupuestarios destinados a actividades científicas y de investigación siendo su nivel muy bajo: del 0.5% al 0.6% del PIB. A título de comparación, hace tiempo los medios..
Iliyana Genev-Pouhaleva has a PhD in comparative linguistics and lectures in Greek and Bulgarian languages at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. She has authored books on Balkan culinary traditions. As a child Iliyana was in the lineup of..
I l y a 15 ans Sofia faisait connaissance des musiques du monde. Et quand les étrangers visitaient la Bulgarie, ils achetaient en souvenir des disques bulgares. Il existe un petit magasin où toutes les musiques se donnent rendez-vous.Certains des plus..
15 years ago a small music shop opened in Sofia, becoming a venue for lovers of good music. Benchmark-setting independent publishers like ECM, ACT, Dreyfus, Nuevos Medios, Karonte, and Putumayo found representatives in a country that was..
Hace 15 años Sofía se abría a las músicas del mundo. Los extranjeros que visitaban el país se llevaban sin falta discos de música búlgara como recuerdo de su estancia en Bulgaria, y también como regalo. Una pequeña tienda de discos unió de manera muy..