Fransa’nın Bulgaristan Büyükelçiliği ve Fransız Enstitüsü, Fransa ile Bulgaristan arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin kurulmasının 145’nci yıl dönümü vesilesiyle Sofya’da bir dizi kültürel etkinlikler düzenliyor. Yıl sonuna kadar film, gösterimleri,..
Until the end of the year, the Bulgarian public will meet French culture in the form of a series of film screenings, literary readings, conferences, exhibitions, etc. The occasion is 145 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between..
De aquí a finales de año, el público búlgaro podrá disfrutar de la cultura francesa a través de una serie de proyecciones cinematográficas, lecturas literarias, conferencias, exposiciones, y más. La ocasión es el 145º aniversario del establecimiento..
Hurricane Milton, which hit the west coast of the US on Thursday, did not cause the catastrophic storm surge that had been expected. But the damage is nonetheless considerable. Authorities have reported 10 deaths so far, and that number is expected to..
El huracán Milton que el jueves alcanzó la costa occidental de los EEUU no provocó las inundaciones catastróficas esperadas. A pesar de esto los daños causados son enormes. Hasta el momento las autoridades informan de 10 víctimas humanas, pero se..
Las coronas rocosas, que se yerguen sobre el río Rusenski Lom y sus afluentes - Beli Lom, Cherni Lom y Mali Lom - son un auténtico imán para los amantes de la naturaleza y para aquellos que buscan la adrenalina. La región entera es conocida como..
The rock formations overhanging the Rusenski Lom River and its tributaries Beli Lom, Cherni Lom and Mali Lom are a magnet for nature lovers and adrenaline seekers. The whole area is known as Polomie or "Mountain under the Plain"...
"Bulgaristan– cazip ve güzel" başlığı altında Bulgar gezi ve seyahat blog yazarları ülkemizdeki en fotojenik yerlerden bazılarını tanıtıyor. Gezginlerin çektiği eşsiz fotoğraflardan oluşan sergi 24 Eylül’de Varna’da Deniz Bahçesi’nin girişinde açılacak..
Fashion that you can't wear, but that will inspire you. Exquisite dresses, not made of lace or silk, but of metal. Zhivko Sedlarski's exquisite sculptures are owned by museums, galleries and private collections on 3 continents, earning him the nickname..
Moda que no se viste, sino que inspira. Vestidos lujosos, pero no de encaje o seda, sino de metal. Las esculturas de Zhivko Sedlarsky son propiedad de museos, galerías y colecciones privadas en tres continentes, lo que le ha ganado el apodo de "El..