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author: Diana Tsankova

Basketball player Gergana Branzova tells story of victory over Multiple Sclerosis in a book

There are people who manage to cross the limits drawn by science. Often these people are labeled as phenomena as if we try to bring them down to the frames we know. Meanwhile, the wings of others who might dare to look for the light outside the box..

25.08.17 12:54 |

Rossitza Ivanova : le chef est une femme!

Rossitza Ivanova est toujours prête à découvrir de nouveaux mondes : « Il faut juste sauter le pas et sortir des sentiers battus ». C’est ce qui lui fait quitter la vie si prévisible de la ville pour retrouver le paradis perdu dans la..

22.08.17 13:08 |

Artist Vassil Ivanov captured eternity of universe

His wandering soul saw worlds he represented on black sheets of paper. But the cosmos, with its vast secrets was revealed in his works at a time when the abstract and fantastic realms clashed with the bonding materialism of the day. The state..

18.08.17 15:15 |

A mission to save the school in Hvoina

A cosmopolitan girl has returned to the village of her grandparents with the idea to save the local school in which members of her family worked as teachers in the years of the Ottoman rule and in modern Bulgaria after the Liberation. With her..

17.08.17 14:17 |

A salvar la escuela del pueblo de Jvoyna

Una chica cosmopolita retorna a la aldea de sus antepasados con la idea de rescatar la escuela en la que durante el dominio otomano y en la época posterior a la Liberación de Bulgaria del mismo, fueron ejerciendo el magisterio dos de sus ancestros. Su..

17.08.17 12:39 |

El artista Vasil Ivanov perpetúa la eternidad del Universo

Su alma viajera ve mundos que él recrea sobre una hoja negra. Sin embargo, el Cosmos con sus infinitos secretos se revela bajo los dedos del pintor en un momento en que lo abstracto y lo fantástico chocan con el materialismo aprisionador de la..

16.08.17 15:08 |

Vasil İvanov’un resimlerine evrenin ebediyeti yansıyor

Dünyaya sığmayan, evreni gezen ruhunun gördüğü alemleri ressam tuvale aktardı. Ancak Uzay’ın sonsuz sırları kendisine soyut ve hayali olan her şeyin günün materyalizmi ile çatıştığı bir dönemde açıldı. İktidar resimlerini hapse attıysa da ressamın..

15.08.17 14:19 |

Roman ve Bulgar çocukları ‘Konkordiya’ kulübünde omuz omuza top peşinde koşuyorlar

Bir çocuk futbol takımı iki yıldan beri topluma hoşgörü dersi vermektedir. Saygı, yardımlaşma, dayanışma işte sihirli sözcükler. Bu sözler sayesinde Roman çocukları ve sosyal açıdan zayıf ailelerden Bulgar çocuklar ve onların ana babaları bir takım gibi..

10.08.17 15:35 |

Ethnic Roma and Bulgarian children playing football together in Concordia Club

For two years, a children's football club has been giving an open lesson to the Bulgarian society on tolerance and mutual acceptance. Respect and mutual help are the magic words, thanks to which ethnic Roma children and children from poor..

10.08.17 14:02 |

Chiquillos romaníes y búlgaros juegan juntos al fútbol en el club “Concordia”

Un equipo de fútbol infantil lleva ya dos años ofreciendo a la sociedad una lección de tolerancia y mutua aceptación. Respeto, empatía y ayuda mutua son las palabras mágicas gracias a las cuales, gitanillos, niños búlgaros socialmente vulnerables..

10.08.17 12:38 |
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