Petya Ilieva's paintings have been shown in so many countries around the world that it is easier to count the places where her works have not been exhibited yet. The talented artist has already presented the beauty of Bulgaria in..
La idea de crear un museo para conservar la historia de Bulgaria entusiasmó a las mentes y los corazones de destacados renacentistas búlgaros incluso antes de la Liberación (1878). Se hizo realidad en 1892, cuando se creó el Museo Popular en..
Bulgaristan tarihini korumak amacıyla bir müze yaratma fikri, 1878 yılında Bulgaristan’ın Kurtuluş'tan önce bile önde gelen aydınları heyecanlandırdı. 1892'de Sofya'da Ulusal Müze’nin kurulmasıyla hayata geçti. Müze, Arkeoloji ve Ulusal..
The idea of creating a museum to preserve the history of Bulgaria excited the minds and hearts of prominent Bulgarian National Revival figures even before the Liberation of the Bulgaria from the Ottoman Domination (1878). It was realized in 1892, when..
Cada año el 6 de mayo, cuando conmemoramos el Día de la Valentía y la Fiesta del Ejército Búlgaro, se oficia una misa de consagración de las banderas militares búlgaras. ¿Cuáles son, sin embargo, las banderas-reliquias que abandonan los fondos del..
Every year, on 6 May, Bulgaria marks Bravery and Bulgarian Armed Forces Day. It is the day of the St. George’s day water blessing of the military colours and the sacred flags of the Bulgarian army. But what are the sacred flags which are taken..
In the town of Yakoruda in Southwestern Bulgaria, the preparations for one of the best-loved holidays Gergiovden , St. George’s Day, start on the day before, 5 May, when, early in the morning, the lasses and young brides take the colourful Yakoruda..
"Si alguien se encontrara por primera vez en la aldea de Zhrebichko durante la celebración del shanuvane , no se daría cuenta de que se trataba de jóvenes que iban al cuartel, sino que pensaría que se había topado con una boda insólita", afirma el..
“If you ever find yourself in Zhrebichko at “shanuvane” time, you would never know what you are seeing is young men about to go off to the army, you would think it was some kind of strange wedding,” says Prof. Ilia Peev. Mandatory military..
Silviya Vladimirova coopera con mujeres y niños ayudándoles que se expresen a sí mediante ocupaciones terapéuticas artísticas En Bulgaria no hay una estadística oficial de la violencia doméstica y no hay una ley adecuada para este tipo de..