The caretaker Minister of Defence Dimitar Stoyanov has commented that there are gaps and ambiguities in the decision adopted by the last parliament on the modernization of the Bulgarian army by 2032. No financial security has been envisaged, he claims...
The National Assembly is visibly becoming more and more overwhelmed by scandals and campaign speeches , while it has important tasks to perform, such as the adoption of laws in relation to the Recovery and Resilience Plan and Bulgaria's accession to the..
17 months after the tragic accident with the MiG-29 jet of the Bulgarian Air Force, which happened near Shabla and led to the death of Major Valentin Terziev, the Sofia District Military Prosecutor's Office raised charges against Metodi Orlov, the..
The Ministry of Defence is looking for an option for extending the life of the MiG-29 aircraft by way of overhaul and/or delivery with the support of Poland, Minister of Defence in the caretaker government Dimitar Stoyanov said in parliament...
Experts at Bulgaria's Ministry of Defence are exploring all possible options regarding Air Force equipment. During the solemn celebrations on the occasion of the 145th anniversary of the Shipka epic battles in front of the Freedom Monument, the..
The Bulgarian MiG-29 fighter jets will be overhauled in Poland again, as announced after a meeting between the interim military minister Dimitar Stoyanov and representatives of the Polish embassy. The agreement is for the exchange and repair of six..
On July 13, the Air Force intercepted a small Cessna-150 aircraft, the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense has reported. After locating the aircraft flying without permission over the town of Svishtov, MiG-29 jets escorted it to an airport..
We offer the Ministry of Defense to sign a contract with Polish companies for the maintenance of the MiG-29 so the aircraft may become airworthy by 2026, Bulgaria's Chief of Defense Adm. Emil Eftimov said for bTV. We are also working on alternatives..
On the Day of the Bulgarian army, May 6, attractive flights were held at Graf Ignatievo Air Base near Bulgaria's Plovdiv . Air combat and ground support with MiG-29 and Su-25 aircraft were shown. Dutch F-35 aircraft also took part. The crews of Mi-17..
Bulgaria's MiG-29 aircraft do not have a Friend or Foe identification system and are operationally incompatible with NATO aircraft. Allied forces aircraft and systems would consider them as targets , explained to BNR prof. Todor Tagarev, former..