I expect the state budget to be adopted on time and to be balanced, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov told journalists after the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Ruse-Veliko Tarnovo motorway which took place..
The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation meets today to discuss the state budget, the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund and the budget of the State Social Security for 2024. The meeting will be chaired by Deputy Prime..
Bulgaria's Minister of Finance Assen Vassilev presented the draft of the state budget for 2024. It foresees a GDP growth of 3.2% and an average annual inflation of 4.8%, and according to estimates, it should fall to 3% at the end of 2024. A minimum..
The 2023 state budget with a 3% deficit is feasible and does not "tighten the belts", Finance Minister Assen Vassilev told Nova TV. A total of BGN 250 million (EUR 125 million) has been additionally allocated for salary increases in various sectors,..
The Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance made some wrong decisions that did not ensure the financial framework of the budget. I have the assurance of the leaders of the parties supporting the cabinet that they will correct the decisions, Prime..
After more than 11 hours of the budget committee meeting, Finance Minister Assen Vassilev said that he no longer supported the 2023 budget. The reason is the sharply increased costs for salaries and other payments and the drastically cut measures to..
Against the backdrop of the July heat, the heated arguments about the 2023 budget continue. By July 25, when the National Assembly must finally vote on the state's financial framework, a decision must be reached on the increase of income in the budget..
The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) expects, in the new budget for 2023, an increase in the pay of all those working in the budget sphere , which will compensate for the inflation in Bulgaria. According to the..
The new extension of last year's state budget should be valid until the end of July, the members of the relevant parliamentary committee decided, considering in the second reading the so-called extension law for State Budget 2022. In the editing..
The largest trade union in Bulgaria, CITUB, has threatened protests and strikes if the National Assembly does not fulfill the union's demand for the urgent adoption of the state budget with income policy and compensation for inflation for people..