According to the Institute for Market Economy, Tax Freedom Day in Bulgaria falls on May 15 this year. Bulgarian tax payers needed a total of 136 days to pay off their taxes to the tune of EUR 23.9 billion and fill the state treasury. On this day the..
On the last day of the state of emergency, Bulgaria’s Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov is to make a report on the state of the 2020 budget during the regular sitting of the government . The report does not include the plans to reduce the value..
Bulgaria climbs the 2019 Open Budget Index ranking. With a score of 71, Bulgaria remains in the group of countries with score between 60 and 80 (out of 100) which are considered to provide significant information about the budget , data of the..
Bulgaria took on a new debt. This country issued the fifth consecutive emission of government bonds since the beginning of 2020. This is the first emission of government bonds issued during the state of emergency. Interest-bearing government bonds..
In the first days of the crisis we should adopt a moderate financial approach and allocate the resources to those who are affected by the coronavirus crisis the most, Bulgaria’s Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov said during the Parliamentary..
A parliamentary committee has approved the changes to the state budget law. The external debt limit has been raised from EUR 8 billion to EUR 10 billion. Unemployment fund rises by more than EUR 700 million. Bulgarian Development Bank's capital..
The latest budgetary changes adopted by the Bulgarian government are based on the worst case scenario for the development of the COVID-19 crisis , this country’s Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov said. We have developed three different..
In an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio, Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier Tomislav Donchev has assured that the state will provide automatic support to the business affected by the restrictions during the quarantine , but most of all it is..
The money sent by the Bulgarian emigrants to their home country in one year exceeded EUR 1 billion for the first time, Eurostat announced. According to 2018 data, the personal money transfers from the EU to Bulgaria amounted to EUR 833 million and the..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Finance has reported that Fitch rating agency has confirmed Bulgaria's long-term and short-term credit rating BBB in foreign and domestic currencies with stable prospects. The agency recognizes that the..