In the town of Karlovo, Central Bulgaria, a ceremony was held before the departure of the 34th contingent of the Bulgarian Army to the "Resolute Support” Mission of NATO in Afghanistan. The contingent is comprised of over 100 troops and includes a..
A national naval exercise named "Breeze 2017" with international participation is held in the territorial waters, the adjacent zone and the exclusive economic zone of Bulgaria in the period July 14 to 23. More than 1,700 military from the naval forces..
The multinational Saber Guardian 17 exercise that started at the military site in Novo Selo, southern Bulgaria, has completely defensive character and does not aim at being a provocation to anyone, military commanders taking part in the exercise have..
The biggest multinational exercise in the Black Sea region called “Saber Guardian 2017” starts today at the Novo Selo military camp in southern Bulgaria. In the period July 11-20, a total of 18 specialized exercises will take place under the..
The airspace of Bulgaria will be guarded jointly by both Bulgarian and Italian jet fighters. For the joint implementation of the Air Policing tasks, the Air Force of Italy will deploy four Eurofighter Typhoon airplanes and up to 110- strong staff..
At the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva welcomed the progress in the cooperation between the European Union and NATO in counteracting cyber and hybrid..
Cooperation between the European Union and NATO should become stronger, and Bulgaria has vowed to assist this process during its 2018 Presidency of the European Union. This was the message of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who was..
Immediately before NATO's summit in Brussels, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev commented that terrorism was spreading in Europe and that NATO must counteract. Enhancing the alliance's contribution to the fight against terrorism is a guarantee for..
The visit of one of our main warships Oscar Austin at Varna Port is a visible reminder that we have the engagement to fight together if we have to, Commander 6 th Fleet, Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO Vice Admiral Christopher Grady..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense has announced that at Graf Ignatievo Air Base in southern Bulgaria, US F-15C fighter jets are to land for participation in a joint Bulgarian-American flying training "Thracian Eagle - 2017." In order to achieve greater..