As of today the mandatory quarantine for arrivals from some African countries has been lifted by order of the Minister of Health less than a month after it was introduced. The goal of the quarantine was to restrict importing in Bulgaria of the South..
Bulgaria's Central Election Commission has determined the rules for voting with a mobile ballot box at the upcoming parliamentary elections on April 4. According to them, voters with permanent disability placed under mandatory quarantine or mandatory..
People working in the tourist industry are against the imposition of 10-day quarantine, followed by a PCR test, on arrivals from Africa. As of yesterday, 13 March, by order of the minister of health, all arrivals from countries and territories..
On March 22, 2021, Switzerland introduces a mandatory 10-day quarantine for those arriving from Bulgaria. This country has been added to the list of countries at risk and arrivals to Switzerland are subject to mandatory quarantine,..
The introduction of a quarantine is an administrative obstacle, which will again lead to the blocking of the activities of tour operators and will cause significant losses for already paid trips, officials from the Association "Future for Tourism" said ,..
As of 9 PM tonight, 6 March, restrictions are enforced in Romania on arrivals from Bulgaria, which is on the list of countries from the so-called “yellow zone”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced. Arrivals who present a negative..
From February 2 until April 30, Bulgarian nationals and persons with a permanent or long-term resident status in Bulgaria and their family members will be placed under ten-day quarantine if they fail to show a document for negative test for Covid-19..
As of January 29 to April 30, 2021, all persons entering Bulgaria must present a negative result of a PCR test for Covid-19, performed up to 72 hours before their arriva l , the Bulgarian Border Police has announced. Exceptions are allowed for..
Hundreds of Bulgarians have been saying no to Covid-19 and escaping for a week or two to… paradise, exotic destinations such as the Maldives, Zanzibar, Egypt, Tenerife, places where the sea is emerald-green, the sandy beaches are dazzlingly..
As of today, 9 January, the German province of Hessen is putting in place the requirement for a negative Covid-19 test for all arrivals from high-risk regions, among which Bulgaria. Arrivals can take a test immediately upon arrival on the..