The Covid-19 crisis caused direct and indirect damages in the transport sector. It is not yet possible to tell the exact size of the damages, Bulgaria’s Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rosen Zhelyazkov said in an..
President of the Confederation of Bus Carriers, Magdalena Miltenov, has told BTA that in at the backdrop of emergency measures related to the coronavirus crisis, more than 50 percent of the 1500 companies operating in the sphere of public transport..
Freight transport is working at its maximum, as a structure that is necessary for the economy, Transport Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov told the BNR. It is evident that land transport has no alternative. Passenger transport, especially international..
Owners and drivers of cargo trucks and busses with EBPO, VI and EEV emission standards running only on natural gas or bio ethanol will be refunded half of their road toll taxes. The users can get acquainted with the refund procedure on the web..
As of today, between 60 and 80 TIR trailers will be transported to and from Turkey each day onboard a train. The Bulgarian Ministry of Transport is negotiating with the railway haulers to buy more wagons. Thus, trailers of more than 100 cargo vehicles..
The Austria-Hungary border has again opened for Bulgarian citizens. Bulgaria’s Ambassador to Vienna Ivan Sirakov has informed that the first vehicles have already crossed the border. The Austrian and the Hungarian Police are providing passage corridor to..
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov held a phone conversation with his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban. Many Bulgarian citizens continue to wait for permission to cross Hungary, Premier Borissov underlined during the phone call. Hungary’s Prime..
On the second day of its meeting in Skopje, the Bulgaria-North Macedonia intergovernmental committee for trade and economic cooperation is discussing projects of mutual interest in transport and infrastructure. An item of particular..
British company Viafik plans to create a regional and international platform for the purchase of passenger tickets in Varna. At a meeting with Deputy Minister of Economy Alexander Manolev the company said that investments would reach 500 000 euros...
Bulgaria is among the EU countries whose citizens spend most money on transport, Eurostat data for 2017 show. Bulgaria ranks 5th in the chart, as13.9% of household expenses go for transport. Leader according to this indicator is Slovenia with 16.3%,..