Bulgaria's women's national team will play in the most commercial volleyball tournament - the League of Nations 2022. The Bulgarians, led by new coach Lorenzo Micheli, take the place of Russia, which was removed from all international forums after the..
Bulgaria has already received an official request from Russia to pay for natural gas in rubles. Speaking to BNT, Bulgarian Minister of Energy Alexander Nikolov pointed out that payment in rubles could lead to more expensive..
The Minister of Defense of Ukraine announced that the Ukrainian forces regained control over the entire region of Kyiv as more than 30 towns and villages were retaken. Earlier this week, Russia announced it would "drastically"..
Citizens of Ukraine who have acquired the professional qualification of "doctor" or "nurse" in Ukraine will be able to practice their profession after successfully passing an examination in Bulgarian language and professional terminology in Bulgarian ,..
After the latest espionage scandal involving two employees of the State Agency National Security, allegedly spying for Russia, diplomatic steps are expected to be taken with regard to representatives of the Russian embassy in Sofia, State Agency..
Russia has announced a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians from besieged Mariupol on Thursday. The city's 150,000 residents have been surviving underground for weeks amid brutal airstrikes, Deputy Mayor Sergei Orlov said. On the 35th..
The Ukrainian military authorities say that Russia’s promise to scale down military operations around Kyiv is a sham. During the night the Russian artillery continued to bombard the capital of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr..
A new round of talks between Russia and Ukraine starts 10:30 a.m. in Istanbul. The forum is expected to last two days. The most ambitious goal of the Ukrainian team is to reach ceasefire agreement. We do not trade in people,..
This afternoon, Bulgarian Ambassador to Russia Atanas Krastin arrived in Sofia from Moscow onboard a humanitarian flight. He was summoned for consultations by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of a statement made by Russian..
The region is dependent on Russian gas, we discussed how to convert some of the pipelines to work with liquefied gas from Turkey and Greece , we discussed Corridor 8, coordination on migrants, defence strategies and food security, Prime Minister..