May 1 has been marked in Bulgaria as Labour Day since 1945, and after the democratic changes in the country in 1989, trade unions have been playing an increasingly important role – raising awareness of workers’ rights and the most pressing problems..
The political forces We Continue the Change, Democratic Bulgaria and Save Sofia are uniting for the forthcoming local elections, in order to gain power at the expense of higher taxes for citizens, Sofia Municipal Council Chairman Georgi Georgiev..
In March, the annual inflation rate in Bulgaria slowed down, reaching a 12-month low of 14%, as compared to 16% in February, the National Statistical Institute has reported. In two-thirds of the regions of the country, unemployment has gone up..
In the spring of 2024, the report, which will report whether the country's economic indicators allow us to introduce the single European currency, will show whether Bulgaria is ready for the euro. According to the Vice-President of the European..
Due to shrinking consumption and export, Bulgaria’s economy will slow down its growth down to 1.8% in 2023, according to the Ministry of Finance spring macroeconomic forecast. In 2022, the growth rate was 3.4%. Due to the war in Ukraine an..
Officially, the total inflation in Bulgaria for the past two years stands at over 28%, and it has impacted every household in Bulgaria. Against the backdrop of this figure, the trade unions in the country are demanding that all people, whose salaries..
The Ministry of Finance approved a concept of a draft bill of the state budget for 2023, according to which a deficit of 3% will be attained by raising some taxes, dropping preferential VAT as of mid-2023, and raising toll fees, as well as raising..
Annual inflation in Bulgaria has gone up more than four-fold in 2022 as compared to 2021, Eurostat data show. In 2022, EU annual inflation reached the highest level ever measured at 9.2%. Compared with 2021, when the annual value was 2.9%, it more..
Mass retail chains in Bulgaria are currently putting an 80-90% markup on food products , caretaker Economy Minister Nikola Stoyanov told Nova TV. The caretaker cabinet is planning to introduce a "ceiling" on the trade markup of up to 20 or 25% ...
Bulgaria will not be able to join the Eurozone at the beginning of 2024, because it has not adopted three crucial bills and does not meet the inflation criterion. According to experts, the country may adopt the single currency in mid-2024 at the..