A study by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria shows that more than 40,000 employees working in 72 large and medium-sized enterprises in this country have been affected by the coronavirus crisis. 78 per cent of the companies..
60,000 businesses have stopped working because of the crisis. Only 228 of them requested assistance under the scheme that provides for 60% of the salaries of the staff to be paid by the state and 40% by the employers. The Association of Bulgarian..
The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria /KRIB/ has requested amendments to the State of Emergency Act in the section related to state support for businesses . Employers offer three options for amendments to the current text of the..
Starting March 31, employers can apply for state compensation to be used for retaining staff, Minister of Social Affairs Denitsa Sacheva has announced. Approval will be awaited for 7 days, after which assistance will be received within 5 more days,..
The partners in the National Tripartite Cooperation Council have agreed on a compensation scheme proposed by the cabinet regarding businesses affected by the emergency measures in order to maintain employment. Businesses, trade unions and the government..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the National Employment Agency are organizing on March 7 a Career Forum at the Bulgarian Embassy in London. The event is part of the initiative to encourage and attract Bulgarian citizens living and..
As of 2020, the Bulgarian authorities will be ready to pay up to EUR 600 a month for a period of one year to Bulgarians who return to Bulgaria and start working in this country, if they show an employment contract. They do not need to find their job..
We are expecting to face a shortage of qualified personnel with secondary education, Bulgaria’s Minister of Labor and Social Policies Biser Petkov said in the town of Sliven. According to the labor market forecasts, the Bulgarian population in..
More and more people with university degrees will be working in positions that require a lower level of education, and in the long term, the biggest demand will be for people with secondary specialized education. This is one of..
The Bulgarian employers are expecting a slow change of staffing levels between January and March 2019. The forecast is based on a research of a leading Bulgarian recruitment agency. 11% of the Bulgarian employers are expecting an increase of staffing..