On the occasion of World AIDS Day, observed on December 1, volunteers from the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth in Sofia will light tealights on the Lovers' Bridge to form a ribbon representing solidarity with the victims and carriers of the disease...
Public attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Bulgaria show that a quarter of Bulgarians are ready to keep friendships with HIV-positive people, BTA reported. Men are slightly more tolerant than women (28% versus 23%). The data are from a..
The International Day of Empathy for People Affected by HIV/AIDS goes under the motto "We remember! We accept! We support!”. On this occasion, evening vigils will be held in 28 regional cities of Bulgaria, as the lit candle..
The last stage of the National Anti-AIDS Campaign continues until August 31, the Ministry of Health has announced. The campaign aims to raise awareness among young people at risk about how HIV spreads and how to prevent HIV and other sexually..
On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the Ministry of Health together with the Bulgarian Red Cross and other institutions, starts the second stage of the national anti-AIDS campaign. There are a total of 4,078 HIV positive..
The number of people infected with HIV in Bulgaria is two or three times higher than the number of officially registered cases, Associate Professor Tonka Varleva, Board Member of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS said for the BTA. Since the beginning..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a condolence address to the relatives and colleagues of prominent French Nobel-winning scientist and friend of Bulgaria Prof. Luc Montagnier. T he world-renowned virologist, who won a Nobel Prize..
More than 250,000 people in Bulgaria took a test to establish their HIV status in 2021, the Ministry of Health has announced. 19 new HIV-positive people have been established since the beginning of this year. 3,721 HIV-positive people..
After a month's stop because of measures against the spread of Covid-19, the free testing and counseling for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C at the Center for Sexual Health in the capital city of Sofia have been resumed. Elena..
Medical progress over the past 30 years gives us a good reason to say on December 1st – World AIDS Day that nowadays the virus does not threaten human life the way it did years ago. The new and modern treatment controls HIV and even allows..