The majority of Austrian companies that have invested in Bulgaria expect the economic climate in the country to remain stable (54%) or improve (13%) over the next 12 months. This was shown by the traditional "Survey among Austrian..
In May, the economic situation in the country improved for a second month in a row. There was an improvement in retail trade, construction and services, but there was a decline marked in industry. In construction, industry and services, no price..
In November 2022, the country's business conditions improved , erasing the deterioration reported in October. A more favorable business climate is reported in all sectors , according to the latest survey of the National Statistical Institute. Total..
After a dramatic decline in August 2022, one month later there is an albeit slight improvement in the business climate in industry, retail trade and services. At the same time a rise in prices is expected in all economic spheres in the coming..
The business climate in Bulgaria has worsened by 3.4 points in August compared to July, according to the traditional survey of the National Statistical Institute . The uncertain economic environment remains a leading factor in the deterioration of..
The economic situation in the country has stabilized in 2022. Managers in all spheres continue to expect a rise in prices in the coming three months, the latest National Statistical Institute business climate report shows. The growth forecasts..
In June 2022, the economic situation in Bulgaria improved. The overall business climate indicator rose 1.4 percentage points as compared to the previous month, when it fell 0.7 points, the National Statistics Institute announced. The indicator..
In May 2022, the total business climate indicator decreased by 0.7 percentage points in comparison with April as a result of the more unfavourable business climate, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) said. The industry indicator was..
A study of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) for the country's business climate shows that in 2021 the negative trend of 2020 trigged by the Covid crisis continues . Only 9% of the respondents see an improvement in the business..
Entrepreneurs in the retail and services sectors in Bulgaria expect that prices will continue rising in the next three months , shows a November survey conducted by the National Statistical Institute. As a result of the deteriorating business climate in..