During the regional GERB youth academy in Targovishte, GERB leader Boyko Borissov stated that GERB would not sign the declaration of We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB) for a cordon sanitaire around Delyan Peevski. PP/DB calls..
We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB), which came second in the 27 October parliamentary election, sent the other political forces to be represented in parliament a “Declaration for ridding the institutions and the election process of..
A declaration was adopted at the Ukraine-Southeastern Europe summit in Tirana calling on the whole international community to strongly increase support to Ukraine. The declaration is signed by the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Nikolai Denkov, the..
“The organizing committee of 26 organizations from the agricultural sector do not support the agreements reached at the meetings between the government and several agrarian organizations, that is why on 13 February the protests for saving Bulgarian..
Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov has confirmed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is arriving in Bulgaria today. In the course of one hour, Bulgaria’s prime minister answered questions by journalists and members of the public live..
Representatives of several political formations, represented in parliament, submitted to the National Assembly a draft declaration in support of Ukraine’s membership of NATO. The signatories include the leaders of GERB party Boyko Borissov, of..
The declaration of the Bundestag is an internal act that does not change the decisions taken by the EU Council in July 2022 on North Macedonia's European path. This is the position of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry , published on the ministry's..
A joint declaration by farmers' organisations from 5 EU member states has been signed in Poland, BNR Varna reporter Maya Shcherbanova informs. The demands of farmers from Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania, are for the import of..
Bulgarian ports will not be able to function if Lukoil Neftohim Burgas ceases operations . In a statement to the President of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and four other ministers, the Bulgarian Association of Tug Owners warned that this..
Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Milkov described as a risky initiative and "a bit preliminary" the declaration by which the leaders of 9 Central and Eastern European countries support Ukraine's accession to NATO under an accelerated..