Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа

Wizz Air reanuda sus vuelos a Varna

La compañía aérea Wizz Air ha anunciado que a partir del 16 de abril de 2020 restablecerá los vuelos entre Varna y Londres. La aerovía se realizará tres veces a la semana: martes, jueves y sábado, y los billetes se pueden comprar en línea en..

13.04.20 14:57 |

Wizz Air reprend ses vols au départ de Varna

La compagnie aérienne Wizz Air a annoncé qu'à compter du 16 avril, elle renouvelait ses vols entre Varna et Londres, à raison de trois jours par semaine, le mardi, le jeudi et le samedi. Les places peuvent être réservés en ligne sur wizzair. com ou via..

13.04.20 14:34 |

Creativity of ophthalmologists in Bulgaria's Varna brings real results in virus protection

It is not uncommon for useful inventions to be born in times of crisis when human brain is placed under intense stress and this is how a unique protective face shield for ophthalmologists was invented at the University Specialized..

08.04.20 11:52 |

Passengers arriving at stations in Varna checked for COVID-19

Then mayor of Varna announced on Facebook, that the round-the-clock checks of passengers at railway and bus stations for COVID-19 continue. Passengers with a fever are placed under quarantine. 

02.04.20 18:33 |

COVID-19: Contrôle des passagers arrivant à Varna en train ou en bus

Le maire de Varna a annoncé sur sa page Facebook que les contrôles effectués 24h24 aux gares de chemin de fer et de bus dans cette ville touristique se poursuivent à cause du Covid-19. Des passagers qui ont de la fièvre sont immédiatement placés en..

02.04.20 18:31 |

Continúa la repatriación de residuos italianos desde Varna

Otros  20 contenedores de residuos almacenados en el puerto de Varna−Oeste han sido devueltos a Italia. En el puerto siguen 25 del total de 127 contenedores con residuos. Se espera su repatriación la próxima semana. Se ha iniciado un procedimiento penal..

27.03.20 15:04 |

Deportation of Italian garbage stored in Varna port continues

Another 20 containers with garbage stored at the port of Varna-West have been returned to Italy. 25 of the total of 127 garbage containers remain now in the Bulgarian port. They are also expected to be returned back to Italy next week.  The case..

27.03.20 14:43 |

Mundësitë e papërdorura të Bullgarisë Lindore

Bullgaria Lindore është ndarë në dy rajone – verior dhe jugor, kufiri mes të cilave është mali Stara Pllanina. Cilat janë specifikat e këtyre dy rajoneve? Biseda është me ekonomistin Adrian Nikollov nga Instituti i Ekonomisë Tregtare dhe fillon me..

26.03.20 11:35 |

Burgas, Varna ve Dobriç illerinde şiddetli dalga uyarısı

Ulusal Meteoroloji ve Hidroloji Kurumu, bugün Burgas, Varna ve Dobriç illerinin kıyı bölgelerinde şiddetli deniz dalgalarından dolayı sarı kod uyarısında bulundu. Dalgaların 4, limanlarda ise 3 şiddetinde olması bekleniyor. Şiddetli rüzgar,..

26.03.20 10:08 |

Wizz Air havayolu şirketi Varna seferlerini durduruyor

Wizz Air havayolu şirketi, COVID-19 ile mücadele kapsamında 25 Mart'tan itibaren 1 Mayıs tarihine kadar Varna seferlerini durdurduğunu bildirdi. Doğrudan wizzair.com adresinden rezervasyon yaptıran yolcular, elektronik posta yolu ile haberdar..

24.03.20 13:49 |
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