Bulgarians Gabriela Stoeva and Stefani Stoeva have qualified for the third round of the doubles tournament of the 2022 BWF World Championships. The three-time European champions won against South Korea's Baek Ha-na and Lee..
The management of Levski Sofia FC have submitted a protest note to UEFA, demanding that the match against the Maltese Hamrun Spartans be replayed. Evidence was presented of a gross violation of the rules by the head referee and..
Masatë reja kundër përhapjes së Covid-19 po aplikohen në territorin e Sofjes, urdhërojnë autoritetet shëndetësore në kryeqytet. Urdhri hyn në fuqi më 4 gusht dhe është i vlefshëm për 30 ditë. Të gjithë personat kur janë në vende publike të..
Andrey Atanasov qualified for the semifinals of the 2022 World Cadets Wrestling Championships that started today in the Italian capital of Rome. Tonight Atanasov will wrestle for medal in the category of up to 80 kg in the classic..
Bulgarian athletes have won six medals in the Balkan U20 Championships, which took place in the period July 16-17 in Denizli, Turkey. Bozhidar Saraboyukov managed to win the titles in the long jump with a personal record of 7.78 and..
"Njerëzit kanë gjithnjë e më shumë nevojë për diçka përrallore dhe emocionuese që ata mund ta bëjnë me lehtësi në jetën e tyre të përditshme," thotë Petja Petkova, një sirenë e vërtetë që e takojmë në qendër të Sofjes. Është e drejtë, sirenat..
Borjana Kalejn fitoi titullin në finalen me rreth në Lojërat Botërore të Sporteve dhe Disiplinave Joolimpike të zhvilluara në Birmingam të SHBA-së. Ajo kaloi kualifikimet dhe hyri në finalet e rrethit dhe topit me pikët më të larta të mundshme. Për..
The ice hockey goalkeeper with Bulgarian roots Alexander Georgiev has signed a three-year deal with the Colorado Avalanche, the defending champion in the National Hockey League . Georgiev's contract is for three years and is worth $10.2 million...
The rising star of Bulgarian volleyball, Alexander Nikolov, has been named National Player of the Year by the American Volleyball Coaches Association in the NCAA. The news was announced on Facebook by the US Embassy in Sofia...
The newest Olympic sport - breakdancing, has made its debut in Bulgaria at the Youth Olympic Summer Festival in Albena. The future sports stars of Bulgaria gathered at the forum, organized by BOC for 15 consecutive years. Nearly 500 young talents..