Immediately before NATO's summit in Brussels, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev commented that terrorism was spreading in Europe and that NATO must counteract. Enhancing the alliance's contribution to the fight against terrorism is a guarantee for..
Gjatë kësaj jave u zhvillua një dialog aktiv mes Bullgarisë dhe NATO-së. Në Bruksel të martën me Sekretarin e Përgjithshëm Jens Soltenberg bisedoi Ministrja e jashtme Ekaterina Zaharieva, kurse të enjten edhe Ministri i mbrojtjes Krasimir Karakaçanov...
Në praktikën politike të Bullgarisë tashmë është traditë që secili ministër i jashtëm më parë ta vizitojë Brukselin. Kështu bëri dhe Ekaterina Zaharieva, e cila më 15 dhe 16 maj bisedoi me Kryetarin e Këshillit Evropian Donald Tusk, me diplomaten numër..
The visit of one of our main warships Oscar Austin at Varna Port is a visible reminder that we have the engagement to fight together if we have to, Commander 6 th Fleet, Commander Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO Vice Admiral Christopher Grady..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense has announced that at Graf Ignatievo Air Base in southern Bulgaria, US F-15C fighter jets are to land for participation in a joint Bulgarian-American flying training "Thracian Eagle - 2017." In order to achieve greater..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Defense has announced that Commander US Air forces in Europe; Commander US Air forces in Africa; commander Allied Air Command General Tod Wolters is to arrive at a working visit to Bulgaria on Tuesday. General Walters will join..
From March 5 until March 14 Bulgaria’s Naval Forces are taking part at Poseidon 2017 multinational military exercise held in the Romanian territorial waters and in international waters in the western part of the Black Sea. The Romanian Naval Forces..
A see-off ceremony has been held in the Bulgarian town of Kazanlak for the 33rd Bulgarian military contingent that takes part in NATO's Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. The contingent consists of 110 military, including 8 women. It includes a..
This week we have witnessed verbal jousting and pre-election political turbulence on occasion of the increased presence of NATO forces in the Black Sea region. Bulgaria’s former Premier and GERB leader Boyko Borissov opened fire first after caretaker..
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has warned on his Facebook page that with the coming of elections, speculations on the topic of national security rise and recent prominent politicians try to point out problems in the joint air policing and military..