The administration of Sofia municipality is mulling raising the tourist tax which has remained unchanged for ten years. Raising the tax, collected from the visitors to the capital city every day, is connected with the intention by Sofia Mayor Vassil..
On the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine, the historical building of the Bulgarian Parliament was illuminated with the colors of the Ukrainian flag. "The celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day is an expression of Bulgaria's solidarity..
After the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule, architects from Europe flocked to Sofia, which became the new Bulgarian capital city in 1879, to give it a modern look and functionality. In the end of the 19 th century the first..
A weak earthquake was registered in Sofia a minute before 4:00 p.m. It had a magnitude of 2.7 on the Richter scale and was felt on the high floors of some districts of the capital - "Druzhba", "Mladost", "Studentski Grad" and "Malinova Dolina"...
Carlos Nassar, einer der drei bulgarischen Olympiasieger in Paris, wurde nach seiner herausragenden Goldmedaille feierlich auf bulgarischem Boden empfangen. „Ich war motiviert, das ultimative Ziel zu erreichen, nämlich Olympiasieger zu..
A fost lansată procedura de expropriere a proprietăților private pentru necesitățile statului în vederea construirii liniei feroviare modernizate Sofia - Dragoman pe tronsonul Stație de Divizare Petarci - Dragoman. Linia de mare viteză până la frontiera..
Au cours des 7 dernières années les terrains agricoles en Bulgarie ont vu leur prix doubler, +108.7% exactement, comme précisé par l'Institut national de la Statistique. Les prix ont le plus augmenté dans le Sud-Ouest du pays, soit +202%, suivis de..
Die Olympiasieger im Ringen, Semen Novikov und Magomed Ramasanow, wurden am Flughafen Sofia mit Liedern, Reigen und Lorbeerkränzen feierlich empfangen. „Ich habe die Unterstützung aller Bulgaren gespürt. Mein nächstes Ziel ist ein..
The ten new metro stations of the Sofia metro will be finished in 2027, said Sofia Mayor Vassil Terziev who inspected the extension of the third line. 46% of all passengers who travel every day use the underground, he said. “I am very pleased with..
Piața imobiliară rezidențială din Sofia în al doilea trimestru al anului 2024 rămâne stabilă și activă. În ciuda previziunilor privind o posibilă încetinire, tendințele arată o creștere a prețurilor și o creștere semnificativă a cererii, arată o analiză..