Eмисия новини
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Farmers' association unhappy with memorandum

The Bulgarian Farmers' Association has come out with a position that the memorandum signed between the protesters and the government does not fully satisfy the demand of the protesting farmers for the protection of Bulgarian agricultural production...

21.09.23 16:51 |

Government and farmers sign memorandum

A memorandum between the government and farmers was signed at the Council of Ministers . "After a false start, the important thing is that we finished successfully," said Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov joking at a briefing after the signing.  "In a..

20.09.23 18:29 |

Bulgarian farmers end their protest

Farmers have ended their protest. Their representatives will sign in Sofia the memorandum proposed by the government. It provides for extending the ban on imports of sunflower seeds from Ukraine until the quantities produced during the 2022-2023..

20.09.23 15:15 |

Beekeepers protest against the import of honey from Ukraine

Beekeepers from all over the country protest е d in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. They called for an end to duty-free import of honey from third countries, in particular from Ukraine and supported the nationwide farmers' protest...

20.09.23 13:54 |

Fermierii rămân la intrarea în Sofia, cu disponibilitate de protest

Tractoarele fermierilor care protestează, nu vor intra în Sofia, a declarat pentru BNR președintele Asociației Naționale a Producătorilor de Cereale, Ilia Prodanov. Însă producătorii nemulțumiți de politica agrară, rămân în pregătire de protest la..

20.09.23 11:00 |

Farmers remain near Sofia, still ready to protest

The tractors of protesting farmers will not enter Sofia, the chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers, Iliya Prodanov, has told BNR. However, producers dissatisfied with the policy in agriculture remain near the..

20.09.23 08:45 |

Minerii de cărbune și lucrătorii din energie protestează în centrul Sofiei

Noul sezon politic abia a început și totuși, în fiecare zi au loc diverse acțiuni de protest în fața clădirii parlamentului. Astăzi, 19 septembrie, minerii și lucrătorii din domeniul energiei blochează centrul Sofiei. Protestul este organizat de cele mai..

19.09.23 16:15 |

Coal miners and energy workers protest in the centre of Sofia

The new political season has barely dawned yet various protest actions are taking place every day in front of the parliament building. Today, 19 September, miners and energy workers are blocking the centre of Sofia. The protest is organized by the..

19.09.23 15:15 |
На националния протест на миньори и енергетици от целия въгледобивен сектор у нас, подкрепен от КНСБ и КТ Подкрепа - 19 септември 2023 г.

Miners gather in protest in the Triangle of Power

Hundreds of coal miners and energy workers from across the country gathered for a protest in the so-called "Triangle of Power" - the space between the Council of Ministers, the Presidency and the parliament building, BGNES reports.  "For a clear and..

19.09.23 14:51 |

Sofia municipality allows up to 80 tractors to protest in the city on September 20

About 600 tractors remained near the entrance of Sofia close to Dolni Bogrov during the second day of protests of farmers. The chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers, Iliya Prodanov, said that their "most..

19.09.23 11:26 |
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