Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа
Mariya Gabriel

Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel pays visit to Brussels

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel is paying a working visit to Brussels on 19 and 20 June, the Foreign Ministry has announced. In Brussels, Mariya Gabriel is to hold a bilateral meeting with European..

19.06.23 09:35 |
Nikolay Denkov (à droite) et Johannes Hahn

Johannes Hahn promet le soutien de la CE au nouveau gouvernement bulgare

Lors de leur rencontre avec le commissaire européen au Budget et à l'Administration Johannes Hahn à Sofia, le premier ministre Nikolay Denkov et la vice-première ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères Mariya Gabriel l'ont assuré que l'adhésion de la..

15.06.23 17:21 |
Johannes Hahn

European Commissioner for budget Johannes Hahn visits Bulgaria, meets with Bulgarian PM and foreign minister

European Commissioner for budget and administration Johannes Hahn is meeting with Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov, and with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel on Thursday in Sofia . The visit is part..

15.06.23 11:03 |

Bulgaristan AP’de “Enerji” departmanını isteyebilir

İnovasyon, Bilimsel Araştırmalar, Kültür ve Eğitimden sorumlu Avrupa Komiserliği görevinden Bulgaristan’da hükümetin parçası olmak için vazgeçen Mariya Gabriel’in departmanı diğer Avrupa Komiserleri arasında bölüştürüldü . Bulgaristan Ulusal..

09.06.23 15:01 |
Tsvetelina Penkova

MEP Tsvetelina Penkova: Bulgaria may seek Energy portfolio in the EP

The portfolio of Mariya Gabriel , who resigned as Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth to join the Bulgarian government, has already been redistributed among other commissioners. Therefore, Bulgaria has the opportunity..

09.06.23 15:00 |

La Bulgarie pourra revendiquer le domaine de l’Energie à la CE

D’autres commissaires européens ont déjà été chargés des responsabilités de Mariya Gabriel qui a renoncé à son poste de commissaire à la Recherche, à l'Innovation et à la Science afin d’intégrer le nouveau gouvernement bulgare. De ce fait, la..

09.06.23 14:55 |

Maria Gabriel a officiellement pris ses fonctions de ministre des Affaires étrangères...

Le ministre intérimaire des Affaires étrangères Ivan Kondov a officiellement passé la main à Maria Gabriel, vice-première ministre et nouvelle cheffe de la diplomatie bulgare. Lors d'une cérémonie au ministère, Ivan Kondov a déclaré : "Je suis heureux et..

07.06.23 11:54 |
Mariya Gabriel ve İvan Kondov

Başbakan Yardımcısı Gabriel, resmi olarak dış politika yönetimini üstlendi

Geçici hükümette Dışişleri Bakanı İvan Kondov, resmi olarak bakanlığın yönetimini Başbakan Yardımcsı Mariya Gabrile’e devretti. Dışişleri Bakanlığı’nda düzenlenen resmi törende Kondov “Mariya Gabriel gibi kendini kanıtlamış profesyonelist ve..

07.06.23 11:51 |
Mariya Gabriel and Ivan Kondov

Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel officially takes over foreign ministry

Caretaker Foreign Minister Ivan Kondov handed over his post to the new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel. At an official ceremony at the ministry, Kondov said: "I am extremely happy to have the honour of welcoming..

07.06.23 11:32 |

No optimism about the longevity of new Bulgarian cabinet

One third of Bulgarians expect that the new government will last a maximum of half a year until the local elections, shows an express sociological survey by the Alpha Research agency, conducted for BNT. 29% of respondents believe that the government..

07.06.23 09:12 |
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