After the day of the Epiphany (Yordanovden in Bulgarian) and the ritual bathing of men, the January series of customs continues with Ivanovden celebrated on January 7. In the church calendar, this is the day of Saint John the Baptist who baptized..
More than 347,000 Bulgarians bearing the name Ivan celebrate name day today when the Orthodox C hurch marks the F east of St. John the Baptist , known as Ivanovden . " Ivan is a title in Bulgaria, not a name," people say about the..
Ivánovden es una de las festividades de invierno búlgaras más el día en que la Iglesia Ortodoxa rinde homenaje a la memoria de san Juan Bautista, último profeta del Antiguo Testamento, quien bautizó a Jesucristo en el río Jordán. De..
Ivanovden (the feast of St. John the Baptist) is one of the most revered Bulgarian winter holidays. On this day, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets who..
Dita e quajtur Ivanovden është një nga festat më të respektuara dimërore bullgare në ciklin e Vitit të Ri. Kjo është dita, në të cilën Kisha Ortodokse Bullgare nderon kujtimin e profetit të fundit të Dhiatës së Vjetër Shën Gjon Pagëzori, i cili pagëzoi..
On January 7 the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors Saint John the Baptist- the last prophet of the Old Testament who baptized Jesus Christ in Jordan River. The feast is known in Bulgaria as Ivanovden. A total of 359,753 people (Ivan, Ivanka, Ioan,..
After the Christmas and New Year holidays Epiphany and the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist are among the most popular winter holidays in Bulgaria. In the sphere of spirituality they seem to purify the festive atmosphere from the material..