Turkey's first astronaut flies into space The first Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravci took off together with the crew of AX-3 (Axion Mission 3) to the International Space Station from Kennedy Base in the state of Florida, USA. The missile was..
Slovenia va extinde controalele la frontierele cu Croația și Ungaria Guvernul sloven a prelungit până la 21 decembrie 2023 controalele la frontiera cu Croația și Ungaria pentru a preveni terorismul, extremismul și criminalitatea..
Slovenia extends the introduced border control to Croatia and Hungary The Slovenian government has extended border controls with Croatia and Hungary until December 21 in order to prevent terrorism, extremism and cross-border crime, BTA reported...
At the International Strategic Forum in Bled, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel emphasized during the panel "EU - a leader in decision-making" that in the debates surrounding the expansion of the bloc , the leading factor should be the balance..
Premierul Bulgariei, Nikolay Denkov, va pleca într-o vizită de o zi în Slovenia la 28 august. El va participa la panelul liderilor din cadrul Forumului strategic de la Bled. Cea de-a 18-a ediție a conferinței internaționale se va desfășura sub titlul..
Slovenia declară ziua de 14 august drept zi de sprijin pentru victimele inundațiilor Inundațiile catastrofale din Slovenia au fost declanșate de o furtună puternică care a lovit țara balcanică. Dezastrul a provocat moartea a cel puțin 6 persoane și..
Slovenia declares August 14 as a day to support flood victims Catastrophic flooding in Slovenia was caused by a strong storm that hit the Balkan country. The natural disaster claimed the lives of at least 6 people and caused property..
The Council of Ministers has approved Bulgaria's participation in the International Fair for Agriculture and Food Products "AGRA 2023" which will take place from 26 to 31 August 2023 in Gornja Radgona (Slovenia). The exhibition showcases the..
Bulgaria is ready to provide support to Slovenia and Austria after the floods in the two countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote on Twitter. “ Bulgaria expresses its solidarity with Slovenia and Austria and stands ready to deliver support..
Irene Saraboyukova won a second medal for Bulgaria at the European Youth Olympic Festival, Slovenia . On the last day of the tournament in Maribor, she won bronze in the high jump , clearing 180 cm - 3 cm less than the champion Ella Obeta from Germany..