"Gel, gel, ne olursan ol, yine gel, İster kafir, ister mecusi, İster puta tapan ol, yine gel, Bizim dergahımız, ümitsizlik dergahı değildir, Yüz kere tövbeni bozmuş olsan da, yine gel... Şu toprağa sevgiden başka bir tohum ekmeyiz biz.....
Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaristan’da en zengin kültür ve tarihi dokusu olan bir kenttir. Ortaçağdan günümüze gelen kadim şehre giren Bulgarlar olduğu kadar, yabancılar da kentin mimarisinden, ruhundan, tarihinden ve doğasından büyüleniyor. Diğer şehirlere..
A two-day hackathon Innovate VT, vol. 2 will bring together young talents at the Vasil Levski National Military University in Veliko Tarnovo on 12 and 13 November, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports. The event is organized by the..
Un hackathón de dos días bajo el nombre de Innovate VT, vol.2 reunirá a talentos jóvenes de la Universidad Nacional Militar Vasil Levski en Veliko Tarnovo los días 12 y 13 de noviembre, informa BTA. El principal organizador del evento es el..
Veliko Tarnovo is the town with the biggest number of cultural and historical landmarks in Bulgaria. Every Bulgarian feels a sense of pride upon setting foot in the medieval Bulgarian capital while foreigners are fascinated by its architecture,..
Australians Claudia and Robert Buschaw flew 15,000 kilometres from Sydney to get married according to Bulgarian traditions in the Bulgarian village of Vishovgrad near the town of Pavlikeni , Veliko Tarnovo region. They brought 60 guests from Australia..
Le ministre du Tourisme, Evtim Milochev a inauguré à Véliko Tarnovo le 19e Salon international du Tourisme culturel, auquel participent 10 pays et 30 municipalités bulgares. Dans son allocution, le ministre a indiqué que le tourisme est un segment..
Caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev opened the 19 th International Exposition “Cultural Tourism” in Veliko Tarnovo, with the participation of 10 countries as well as 30 Bulgarian municipalities. In his address, Minister Miloshev..
The mellow days of autumn are the perfect time to take a stroll among the stores lining the Samovodska charshia in Veliko Tarnovo. The old crafts street and marketplace, now an ethnographic and architectural complex, dates back to the mid-19 th..
Veliko Tarnovo es el centro de las celebraciones por el 116º aniversario de la independencia de Bulgaria, proclamada el 22 de septiembre de 1908 mediante un manifiesto del príncipe Fernando I en la iglesia de "San 40 Mártires" y más tarde en la fortaleza..