Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky again demanded a fraction of the military hardware from NATO nations on Saturday. Ukraine needed just 1% of NATO's aircraft and 1% of its tanks and would not ask for more, he said. "That is what our partners..
“The draft decision on an address by Volodymyr Zelensky to the Bulgarian National Assembly is currently being discussed by the parliamentary committees and will soon be voted in plenary,” the chairman of the Bulgarian National Assembly Nikola..
Air raid sirens have been sounding in many places in Ukraine since early morning, including in the capital Kyiv. The Ukrainian army thinks a major attack by the Russian forces against the capital city is still possible even though their advance..
Des députés de la "Bulgarie démocratique" ont souhaité que le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky intervienne devant le parlement bulgare. L'idée est d'en savoir plus sur le conflit militaire, les derniers développements autour des pourparlers de..
Il y a un mois jour pour jour, la Russie se lançait dans l'invasion de l'Ukraine. Ce jeudi 24 mars 2022 marque le premier mois de la guerre en Ukraine. Il y a 28 jours, Vladimir Poutine, le président russe, avait annoncé en pleine nuit le début d'une..
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said peace talks with Russia were difficult and confrontational, yet moving forward. In another attempt to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with both Presidents Vladimir..
Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has warned that at least seven fires were burning near Chernobyl nuclear power plant and there was an increased risk of radiation. Satellite images taken from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellite show the fires..
La guerre en Ukraine fait toujours rage, plus de trois semaines après le début de l'invasion entamée par la Russie fin février. Instaurée le 24 février dernier, la loi martiale devait prendre fin le 26 mars. Le président Volodymyr Zelensky a décidé de..
Nearly 200 Ukrainian refugees can be accommodated in four hotels and two guest houses in Tsarevo Municipality (Southeastern Bulgaria) operating under the government's refugee resettlement programme. The Bulgarian Red Cross in the coastal town of..
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky held a conversation with the President of Poland Andrzej Duda and Bulgaria’s Premier Kiril Petkov, the Embassy of Ukraine in Sofia announced. “The focus of the talks was the course of Ukraine’s defense and the..