Eмисия новини
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Workshops für Sumie, Haiku und japanische Kalligrafie in Sofia

An diesem Wochenende lädt das Inter Expo Center in Sofia zu drei interessanten Workshops – für Sumie (Tuschmalerei), Haiku und japanische Kalligrafie – ein. Die Liebhaber japanischer Kunst werden in die Maltechniken der symbolträchtigsten..

09.07.23 09:15 |

Εργαστήρια για sumi-e, χαϊκού και ιαπωνική καλλιγραφία στη Σόφια

Το Σαββατοκύριακο το Inter Expo Center φιλοξενεί ατελιέ χαϊκού, ιαπωνικής καλλιγραφίας και sumi-e (ιαπωνική παραδοσιακή ζωγραφική με πενάκι) «Άνθος βυσσινιάς», «Μπαμπού» και «Λωτός». Οι λάτρεις της ιαπωνικής τέχνης θα μάθουν περισσότερα..

09.07.23 07:15 |

Sofya’da sumi-e, haiku ve Japon kaligrafi atölyeleri

Sofya’da Inter Expo Center, hafta sonları günlerinde sumi-e(mürekkeple boyama), haiku ve Japon kaligrafi atölyelerine ev sahipliği yapıyor. Japon sanat severleri, sumi-e resim sanatında en önemli bitkilerinden bir olan açan kiraz çiçeklerinin yanısıra..

08.07.23 09:35 |

Εβδομάδα Αρχιτεκτονικής εγκαινιάζεται στη Σόφια

Η οικοδομική έκθεση «Εβδομάδα Αρχιτεκτονικής» εγκαινιάζεται στο Inter Expo Center της Σόφιας. Μέχρι την 1 η Απριλίου σε εκθεσιακό χώρο εμβαδού άνω των 19 000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων θα παρουσιαστούν κατασκευαστικός εξοπλισμός, μηχανήματα, εργαλεία,..

29.03.23 07:50 |

Architektur- und Bauwoche in Sofia beginnt

Die Baumesse „Architektur- und Bauwoche“ wird im „Inter Expo Center“ in Sofia eröffnet.  Bis zum 1. April werden auf einer Ausstellungsfläche von über 19.000 Quadratmetern Bautechnik, Maschinen, Werkzeuge, Dämm- und Baustoffe, Fenster, Türen,..

29.03.23 07:10 |
Интер Експо Център

Architectural Building Week opens in Sofia

Architectural Building Week international trade fair will be held at Inter Expo Center, Sofia starting on 29th March. Construction equipment, machines, tools, insulation, building materials, windows, doors, sanitary equipment, etc. will be presented on..

29.03.23 07:05 |

Participants from 15 countries at prestigious tourist exhibition in Sofia

The largest international tourist exhibition in Bulgaria, Holiday and ‎SPA , is opening today. Almost 260 participants from 15 countries present ‎their most attractive tourist products in the halls of the Inter Expo Center in ‎Sofia. ‎ ‎"For the..

15.02.23 12:40 |

Participantes de 15 países se presentan en una prestigiosa exposición de turismo en Sofía

Hoy arranca la mayor exposición internacional de turismo en Bulgaria, Vacaciones y SPA. Casi 260 participantes de 15 países presentan sus productos turísticos más atractivos en las salas del Inter Expo Center de Sofía. "Por primera vez participa el..

15.02.23 12:20 |

Participanți din 15 țări la o prestigioasă expoziție de turism din Sofia

Cea mai mare expoziție internațională de turism din țară "Holiday and SPA" începe astăzi. Aproape 260 de participanți din 15 țări își prezintă cele mai atractive produse turistice în sălile Inter Expo Center din Sofia. "Pentru prima dată participă..

15.02.23 10:55 |

Bulgaria will be part of the International Day of Yoga celebrations for the eighth time

VIII International Day of Yoga will be celebrated on June 21 all over the world. The celebration was established in late 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly at the suggestion of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The date on which it is..

17.06.22 16:29 |
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