Eмисия новини
от часа

No hay interesados en la reparación de motores para los cazas MiG-29

El Ministerio de Defensa ha cancelado el procedimiento de licitación para el suministro de seis motores de MiG-29. Según informa BTA, citando datos del registro público de contratos públicos, no se presentó ni una sola oferta para la adquisición, que fue..

12.07.23 15:04 |

Personne n’a répondu à l’appel d’offres pour la rénovation de moteurs des MiG - 29

Le ministère de la Défense a mis fin à l’appel d’offres pour la livraison de 6 moteurs rénovés d’avions de chasse MiG-29, comme rapporté par l’agence BTA se référant au Registre des marchés publics. Cela est dû au fait qu’aucune offre n’a été faite en..

12.07.23 14:51 |
A MiG-29  combat aircraft

No bidders for MiG-29 fighter jet engines, MoD terminates procurement procedure

The Ministry of Defence has terminated the public procurement procedure for the delivery of 6 overhauled engines for MiG-29 fighter aircraft, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports, citing data from the public procurement register. The reason..

12.07.23 14:46 |

Ukraine will repair engines for the Bulgarian MiG-29 fighters

A Ukrainian plant will repair six engines for the Bulgarian MiG-29 fighter aircraft, it became clear from the decision on the public procurement.  For this purpose, Bulgaria  undertakes to pay BGN 15.5 million without duty and VAT...

24.06.23 10:05 |

Η Ουκρανία θα επισκευάζει κινητήρες για τα βουλγαρικά MiG-29

Ουκρανικό εργοστάσιο θα επισκευάσει 6 κινητήρες για τα βουλγαρικά καταδιωκτικά MiG-29, κατέστη σαφές από την απόφαση για την κρατική προμήθεια. Για τον σκοπό η χώρα μας υποχρεώνεται να πληρώσει 15,5 εκατομμύρια λέβα χωρίς δασμό και ΦΠΑ. Η συναλλαγή θα..

24.06.23 09:23 |

SUA a recomandat Bulgariei să continue să exploateze MiG-29, afirmă ministrul apărării

"SUA nu pot furniza Bulgariei avioane F-16 ca platformă de înlocuire. Ei ne recomandă cu ardoare să continuăm exploatarea avioanelor MiG-29", a declarat ministrul Apărării din cabinetul interimar Dimitar Stoianov în timpul unei audieri la comisia..

18.05.23 11:00 |

ABD, Bulgaristan’a MiG-29’u kullanmaya devam etmesini tavsiye etti

Parlamento’da Savunma Komitesi önünde konuşan Savunma Bakanı Dimitır Stoyanov, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri’nden gelen resmi mektuba atıfta bulunarak, “ABD bize yedek platform olarak F-16 sa ğlayamıyor. MiG-29 uçağını kullanmaya devam etmemizi şiddetle..

18.05.23 10:06 |

USA empfehlen Bulgarien weiteren Einsatz von MiG-29

Die USA können uns die F-16 nicht als Ersatzplattform zur Verfügung stellen. Sie haben uns nachdrücklich empfohlen, die MiG-29-Kampfflugzeuge weiter zu betreiben. Das gab der geschäftsführende Verteidigungsminister Dimitar Stojanow vor dem..

18.05.23 09:45 |

The US has recommended that Bulgaria continue to exploit MiG-29s, defence minister says

“The US cannot provide Bulgaria with F-16s as a replacement platform. They ardently recommend that we continue the exploitation of the MiG-29 jets,” said Minister of Defence in the caretaker cabinet Dimitar Stoyanov during a hearing at the..

18.05.23 09:32 |

SHBA i rekomanduan Bullgarisë që të vazhdojë shfrytëzimin e avionëve MiG-29

SHBA nuk mund të na ofrojnë F-16 si një platformë zëvendësuese. Ata na rekomandojnë fuqimisht që të vazhdojmë operimin e avionëve MiG-29, deklaroi ministri i mbrojtjes Dimitër Stojanov para Komisionit të Mbrojtjes në Kuvendin Popullor dhe citoi një..

18.05.23 09:31 |
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