In connection with security in the Black Sea region and Bulgaria’s position on the forthcoming NATO summit in Warsaw, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has told parliament that Bulgaria supports stronger NATO presence in the Black Sea with a view to..
A total of 28 Black Sea beaches have already been checked by inspectors of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism. Beach inspections started on June 21, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova reported. Among the most common violations detected so far is..
Bulgaria will preserve the possibilities for negotiations and talks that would lead to a balanced format of military exercises in the Black Sea, said Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitorv. “No one has any intention of attacking anybody and..
Bulgaria has always defended the idea on enhanced military trainings across the Black Sea, but only under the NATO flag, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov stated, underlining the current debate within the Alliance on the more detailed formatting of this..
During NATO’s Defence Ministers Meeting in Brussels, Bulgarian Defence Minister Nikolay Nenchev held a discussion with his Romanian counterpart Mihnea Motoc. They discussed issues related to the agenda of the Alliance, as well as the development of..
Recent checks conducted at the Bulgarian beaches of Irakli and Silistar after received signals, have not revealed violations, the Ministry of Tourism has announced. Checks took place after authorities received a signal for blocked roads leading to the..
Nearly 6,000 Romanian citizens visited Bulgaria’s northern Black Sea coast for the Easter holidays and a big part of them stayed in Bulgaria for Saint George’s Day as well, the Chairperson of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Keepers Association for..
The UK is to encourage British companies to participate in tenders for permission of exploration of oil and gas deposits in the Silistar and Teres blocks in the Bulgarian waters of the Black Sea. This was what UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of..
On 1 November Bulgaria took over the rotating presidency of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Council for the next six months. This took place last month at the BSEC foreign ministerial in Baku, Azerbaijan. The BSEC Council set up in 1992 has 11 full..