Macedonia del Norte restablece la cuarentena y el toque de queda A causa de la empeorada situación epidémica después de las fiestas religiosas, Macedonia del Norte ha restablecido las restricciones. La medida entra en vigor desde las 21 horas del..
La Macédoine du Nord a rétabli la quarantaine et le couvre-feu En raison de la détérioration de la situation épidémiologique après les fêtes religieuses, la Macédoine du Nord a rétabli les mesures restrictives. Les déplacements des citoyens dans toutes..
Yanina Todorova, ein weiteres goldenes Mädchen Bulgariens von der Basketball-Europameisterschaft für Frauen unter 20 im vergangenen Sommer im Kosovo, wird in der Elite der College-Meisterschaft in den USA spielen. Todorova wird in Kalifornien für Fresno..
Über 200 bulgarische Militärs, die sich an 9 internationalen Auslandsmissionen beteiligen, werden den 6. Mai, der in Bulgarien als Tag der Streitkräfte begangen wird, jenseits der Heimat feiern. Per Videokonferenzschaltung begrüßte Verteidigungschef Admiral..
In Sofia, Serbia’s Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popović has called on Bulgaria’s Economy Minister Emil Karanikolov that Bulgaria should review its stance of recognizing the state of Kosovo. The two met during the Third..
At the meeting of the South-East European Cooperation Process in Sarajevo, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with his Serbian counterpart Ana Brnabic. The two discussed the verbal tension between Belgrade and Sofia. Boyko Borissov..
National Assembly President Tsveta Karaiancheva has said that Bulgaria will continue to support Kosovo's efforts for integration into the EU. At a meeting in Sofia with her Kosovo counterpart Kadri Veseli, Karaiancheva recalled that this topic was among..
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj in the capital of Albania Tirana. The meeting took place at the request of PM Haradinaj within the frameworks of the Aqaba process meeting on Balkan issues...
Today in Sofia foreign ministers of Bulgaria and Kosovo, Ekaterina Zaharieva and Behgjet Pacolli will hold talks. Topics linked to the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU will be focus of discussions, as well as Kosovo's European perspective at..
Kosovo President Hashim Thaci awarded visiting Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov an “Order of Independence”, laying emphasis on his personal contribution to the development of Kosovo statehood. Bulgaria is one of first the countries to..