Con motivo de la fiesta oficial, dedicada al Día de la Unificación del Principado de Bulgaria y Rumelia Oriental, que se produjo en 1885, Radio Nacional de Bulgaria y el Instituto Cultural Estatal adjunto al ministro de Exteriores envian un saludo virtual a..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on August 12. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about how festivals transform life in small Bulgarian towns during the summer. In today’s music..
Serbia is a regional military power According to the annual report of the US military website Global Firepower, Serbia has the largest military force in the Western Balkans. According to a total of 50 criteria, the Serbian army ranks 61st in..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on August 10. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about Bulgaria’s hot political summer . In today’s music slot, we bring you some Bulgarian pop..
The queue of trucks waiting to cross Danube Bridge 2 near Vidin - Kalafat already exceeds 10 kilometers of length, BTA reports. Drivers are forced to wait for 16-18 hours. Crossing the bridge itself takes less than 5 minutes, while checks at the border..
Zwei bis drei Wochen werde die Wahl eines neuen Vorsitzenden der Kommission für Energie- und Wasserregulierung (KEWR) in Anspruch nehmen , vermutet der Abgeordnete von „Wir setzen die Veränderung fort“ und Vorsitzender des Parlamentsausschusses für..
Me tre vota “pro” dhe dy “abstenime”, Këshilli për Mediat Elektronike nuk miratoi kandidaturat e propozuara për anëtarë të Këshillit Drejtues të Radios Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR). Mandatet e katër anëtarëve të organit drejtues skadon më 28 korrik të..
With three votes in favour and two abstentions, the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) failed to approve the proposed candidates for members of the BNR Board of Directors. The mandates of four members of the governing body expire on 28 July this..
Radioja Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR) tanimë është partnere e Institutit Shtetëror Kulturor pranë ministrit të punëve të jashtme në popullarizimin e kulturës bullgare nëpër botë. Kjo u bë e mundur me nënshkrimin e një marrëveshjeje strategjike me..
Der Bulgarische Nationale Rundfunk ist zu einem weiteren Partner des Staatlichen Kulturinstituts am Außenministerium innerhalb der weltweiten Popularisierung der bulgarischen Kultur geworden . Dieser Tage wurde eine strategische Vereinbarung mit..