GERB, PP-DB ve DPS’den milletvekilleri, ortak deklarasyon imzalayarak Yüksek Yargı Kurulu’na Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin nihai kararı ve Anayasa’da değişikliklerin kabul edilmesine kadar yeni başsavcı seçimi sürecini durdurması yönünde çağrıda bulundu...
Les députés de GERB, PlC-BD et MDL ont appelé le Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature /CSM/ à stopper la procédure d'élection d'un nouveau procureur général tant que la Cour constitutionnelle n'a pas donné son avis et que les changements dans la..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Justice Atanas Slavov said that on June 30 he would file an appeal with the Supreme Administrative Court against the election of Borislav Sarafov as acting Prosecutor General. According to Minister Slavov, the procedure for..
The National Assembly extended its working time so as to hear out Justice Minister Atanas Slavov regarding the steps after the election of acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov. The Minister of Justice will discuss the legitimacy of..
By 12 to 4 votes, the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) is launching a procedure for the election of a new prosecutor general. Supreme Judicial Council has dismissed Ivan Geshev from position of Chief Prosecutor The question has been raised..
Savcılık Kurulu, Yüksek Yargı Konseyi(YYK)’nin 22 Haziran’da yapılacak kurul toplantısında yeni başsavcı seçimi için prosedürün açılmasını teklif etti. Kurul üyelerinin önerisine göre, adayların mülakatı ve oylama işlemi 26 Ekim’de ya yapılmalı...
La révocation du procureur général Ivan Guéchev et son remplacement par son substitut Borislav Sarafov n’a pas apaisé les tensions au sein du système judiciaire de la Bulgarie, soulignent des observateurs. L’Ordre des juges a qualifié la..
The replacement of Bulgaria’s prosecutor general Ivan Geshev, who was dismissed ahead of schedule, with his deputy until recently, Borislav Sarafov, does not succeed in easing the long-standing tension in Bulgaria's judicial system, observers comment...
Le Collège du Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature /CSM/ n'abordera pas lors de sa réunion ce 20 juin la question du choix de Borislav Sarafov au poste de procureur général par intérim. C'est ce qu'a annoncé la juge Atanaska Dichéva ajoutant que le décret..
Le collège des procureurs du Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature /CSM/ a révoqué les adjoints de l’ancien procureur général Ivan Guéchev sur proposition du procureur général par intérim Borislav Sarafov. Les fonctions de Krassimira Filipova,..