Caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev has discussed in a telephone conversation with his Macedonian counterpart Dimitar Kovacevski the importance of ensuring a peaceful and trouble-free celebration of the 151st anniversary of the birth of Bulgarian..
Power supply has been restored in the Municipality of Pomorie, as well as in Sarafovo and Meden Rudnik residential areas in Burgas, which were left without electricity after a severe storm hit the area on Saturday. A partial state of emergency was..
2 Ağustos’ta İlinden – Preobrajenie Ayaklanmasının patlak vermesinin üzerinden 119 yıl geçiyor. İç Makedon- Edirne Devrim Örgütü (VMORO) kuruluşunun 10. yılında, 1903 ’te Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na karşı ayaklanma düzenlenmesi zamanının gelmiş..
August 2 marks the 119 th anniversary since the outbreak of the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising . It was the result of the strong reaction of the Bulgarian people to the decision of the Great Powers (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Russia,..
“Bulgaria no actúa desde una posición de fuerza, sino desde la de la verdad”, ha manifestado el jefe de Estado búlgaro, Rumen Radev, al intervenir ante la conferencia “Una perspectiva europea para las relaciones de buena vecindad entre Bulgaria y..
“Las relaciones de buena vecindad entre Bulgaria y Macedonia del Norte se volverán estables e irreversibles en la época en que nos aúne la verdad histórica”, ha escrito en su cuenta de Facebook el presidente de Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, y ha recordado..
En la ciudad de Blagoevgrad se han celebrado una procesión y un ritual solemne con motivo del 150 aniversario del natalicio de Gotse Delchev, que han contado con la participación del presidente del país, Rumen Radev, y el primer ministro Kíril..
A procession and a solemn ritual with the participation of President Rumen Radev and Prime Minister Kiril Petkov was held in Bulgaria's Blagoevgrad on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Gotse Delchev's birth. "Today, 150 years after the..
El presidente de Macedonia del Norte, Stevo Pendarovski, ha calificado la celebración conjunta del aniversario del natalicio de Gotse Delchev por parte de Bulgaria y Macedonia del Norte de un acto de buena voluntad. Stevo Pendarovski también ha..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov and the acting head of the Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia in Bulgaria, Vladimir Krastevski, will together lay a wreath in front of the monument to the revolutionary Gotse Delchev in the capital's..