The previous winter tourist season in Bulgaria was stable, with minimal growth thanks to Bulgarian tourists, Eurostat data show. The total number of nights spent in winter season 2018-2019 was over 4.7 million, which is 0.2% more on an annual..
The 2019 tourist season has been extremely controversial for Bulgaria, according to the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents. Until September, the decline in in the sphere reached 2%. This is largely due to the decline in the number..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova is paying an official visit to Egypt, accompanied by Bulgarian MPs and representatives of the local authorities and the business. Minister Angelkova discussed with her Egyptian counterpart Rania..
Bulgaria’s Ambassador to India Eleonora Dimitrova signed on behalf of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs an agreement with the Indian outsourcing company VFS Global. According to the terms of the agreement, Global will open centers for the..
At a meeting with Bulgarian Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkova, during her visit to Germany , State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Ulrich Nußbaum, thanked the Bulgarian government for its reaction following..
The number of foreign visitors to Bulgaria rose by 3.8 percent in August compared to a year earlier. National statistics showed that the historical record set last year, when 2.240 million foreign visitors came to Bulgaria, has been broken. In..
Following the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook's subsidiaries in Germany, Austria and Poland, all of their 5,940 tourists, who have bookings in Bulgaria until October 13, will be able to leave the country and return home. The costs of their stay and..
On the last Sunday of August, Bulgarian tourists celebrate the anniversary of organized tourism in Bulgaria. It started on August 27, 1895 with climbing of Vitosha’s Cherni Vrah (2290m) by over 300 enthusiasts. Organizer of the hike back then..
The 124th anniversary of the Organized Tourist Movement in Bulgaria will be marked this Sunday (August 25) with various sports events in Vitosha Mountain near Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. At the end of August, 1895, the celebrated Bulgarian writer Aleko..
North Macedonia’s information portal recommends the tourists the 10 best towns to visit in Bulgaria. Plovdiv ranks first. It is the most preferred tourist destination with its town architecture, restaurants and modern pedestrian zone...