The Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA) have ascertained that the Bulgarian citizens have been traveling more often. Moreover, they are well informed and more exacting towards the tourist services. Most Bulgarians who are..
The Bulgarian employers will have the opportunity to employ seasonal workers from non-EU countries for a period of up to 90 days. Following consultations at the National Council on Labor Migration and Labor Mobility Bulgaria’s outgoing Minister of..
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova has said that judging from contracts with leading tour operators, a 30 to 40% growth is anticipated in the number of foreign tourists from Germany, Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic who plan to visit..
243,000 foreign tourists visited Bulgaria in October 2016, the National Statistical Institute informs. Their number was 18.7% higher as compared to the same month last year. Moreover, the number of foreign nationals visiting that country in October hit..
Bulgaria was awarded the most favorite family holiday destination for Russian tourists. Bulgaria’s National Tourism Representation in Russia received the award at a special ceremony in Moscow. The award is bestowed by the Russian edition of National..
Leading tour operators working with Bulgaria report a growth of 30 to 40 percent in summer 2017 bookings compared to the very successful summer 2016 season, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said at the opening of the Ninth Black Sea Tourism..
Bulgarian emigrants are planning to protest against the restrictions at the forthcoming elections, Sega daily informs on Wednesday. The website of the Central Election Commission shows that the restrictions allowing a foreign country to open 35..
A total of 1,917,500 foreign nationals visited Bulgaria in August 2016, which was 10.9% more as compared to the same period last year, the National Statistical Institute informs. The number of foreign citizens visiting Bulgaria for a holiday saw 18.4%..
Bulgaria ’s tourism sector has been marking the most successful year in the past 25 years, Bulgaria’ Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced, Focus news agency informs. According to preliminary data, the revenues in the sector in the first..
909,000 Bulgarians have travelled during the second quarter of this year as tourists – 81 percent only inside the country, 16 percent only abroad, the rest in the country and abroad, the National Statistical Institute says. Compared to the..