More than 2.5 million tourists have chosen Bulgaria as their summer destination in the period May 1 to August 8, 2021. This is seen in the statistics of the Unified Tourist Information System. Most of them are Bulgarians - over 1,680,900. Guests..
Am 29. Juli ab 10 Uhr OEZ läuft eine Impfaktion gegen Covid-19 im Ferienort Sonnenstrand und in der Stadt Nessebar. Die Impfstellen wurden im Hof des Handwerkszentrums in der Otets Paisiy Straße 46, der ehemaligen Poliklinik in der Neustadt von..
Le 29 juillet, des centres de vaccination mobiles seront ouverts de 10H00 à 18H00 à Slanchev briag et à Nessebar. Un point de vaccination mobile sera également ouvert à Pomorié, sur la promenade piétonne centrale à côté de la City Art Gallery "Dechko..
A Covid-19 vaccination campaign is taking place place as of 10 AM today, 29 July, in Sunny Beach and Nessebar on the Black Sea. The vaccination points will be located in the Crafts Centre at 46 Otets Paisyi St., the former polyclinic in the..
Die altehrwürdige Stadt Nessebar – ein beliebter Ort für Strandurlauber. Fotos: Krassimir Martinow
Ab dem 2. Juli wird die bulgarische Stadt Nessebar, die in die UNESCO- Weltkulturerbeliste aufgenommen wurde, zur Bühne der Kreativität von Kindern. Das geschieht im Rahmen des 6. Internationalen Festivals „Nessebar - Insel der Künste“. Das Forum..
A partir du 2 juillet, la ville de Nessebar, inscrite sur la liste du patrimoine culturel mondial de l'UNESCO se transforme en une scène en plein air pour le 6e Festival international "Nessebar, l'île des arts". Plusieurs centaines d'interprètes de..
As of 2 July, Nessebar, the town which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, us turning into a stage for children’s art, as the 6 th International Festival “Nessebar Island of Arts” opens in the ancient town on the Black Sea. The forum..
On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the first broadcasts of the Bulgarian National Radio abroad , their successor – Radio Bulgaria has launched a quiz with questions about Bulgarian culture and history. In the second issue..
When spring comes it comes with the delicate petals of saffron, and by autumn it has become a product whose weight is worth more than gold. Saffron is “the spice of life” for the family of artist Katya Ivanova. She is from Kyustendil..