Le 1 er novembre, Journée des Lumières, des institutions culturelles dans tout le pays vont à nouveau fermer symboliquement leurs portes en signe de protestation. Cette mobilisation est organisée par la Fédération nationale "Culture" de la..
On the Day of Bulgarian National Enligheners - November 1, cultural institutions across the country symbolically close their doors in protest against low wages in the sphere of culture. Since 2015, when the latest salary hike in the sphere took..
On the first day of November, the Day of National Enlightenment Leaders, cultural institutes across Bulgaria will once again symbolically close their doors as a sign of protest. The effective protest actions are organized by the National Federation..
A Triavna, dans le Midi de la Bulgarie, a ouvert ses portes un Musée de l'école d'architecture de la ville. Son exposition mettra en valeur le patrimoine des bâtisseurs locaux, avec une nette distinction entre l’École de sculpture sur bois et celle de..
“In a place where there is no humanity: be human” goes a saying connected with the Jewish community and culture. There are no accurate data as to the number of Jews in Bulgaria, but according to the organization of Jews in Bulgaria Shalom, the Jewish..
November 16, 2023 is the official 110th anniversary of the founding of the oldest writers' organization in Europe - the Union of Bulgarian Writers. The celebration will take place in the Central Military Club in Sofia, under the..
Over a hundred Bulgarian participants, as well as guests from Romania, will be part of the festival of Armenian culture and traditions "Yerevan in Burgas - the children's festival" . The reason for its holding is the 32nd anniversary of the declaration..
Les États membres de l’UE ont nommé officiellement ce mardi la Bulgare Iliyana Ivanova au poste de commissaire européenne, a annoncé le Conseil dans un communiqué. Ivanova reprend les portefeuilles de l’innovation, la recherche, la culture,..
Bulgarian artists living in America are presenting Bulgaria in Chicago at the international celebration of cultures - Mount Prospect Celebration of Cultures 2023. We learn about the event from the cultural center "Bulgarica", which has been operating..
The international organization "HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia" and the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tourism are opening a four-day tourist festival in Pomorie. "International Traditions and..