Lukoil Neftochim Burgas, which has been threatened with the withdrawal of the derogation for the import of Russian oil, has expressed its readiness to pay BGN 500 million in taxes. This was announced by the co-chairman of the parliamentary group of the..
Președintele Rumen Radev a pus veto la modificările la Legea energiei, prin care piața de energie electrică pentru consumatorii casnici va fi complet liberalizată până în 2026. "Nivelul de trai al majorității cetățenilor bulgari rămâne cel mai scăzut..
President Rumen Radev has vetoed the amendments to the Energy Act, by force of which the electricity market for household consumers will be fully liberalized by 2026. PM Denkov: We will not allow electricity prices to go up after the..
“What those in power must have as their aim is the defence of the national interest, security and the welfare of our society, not the pursuit of any clique interests,” President Rumen Radev told reporters, and went on to say that behind the pretty..
Los gobernantes deben tener como objetivo la defensa del interés nacional, la seguridad y el bienestar de la sociedad búlgara y no la persecución de intereses privados. Es lo que ha manifestado ante periodistas el presidente Rumen Radev opinando..
Bulgaria condamnă cu fermitate actul terorist al Hamas și susține ferm Israelul. Acesta este mesajul transmis de președintele Rumen Radev, președintele Parlamentului Rosen Jeliazkov, vicepremierul Mariya Gabriel și procurorul-șef interimar Borislav..
At the Central Synagogue in Sofia today at 1 pm the faithful will offer their prayers for peace. "The event is a response of the Jewish community in Bulgaria and all friends of Israel. We will express our solidarity and empathy for the victims and their..
It was obvious that the cabinet would not fall because the personal interests that bind the ruling coalition are much stronger than any imitation of reforms and priorities, President Rumen Radev commented on yesterday's vote of no confidence...
Ditën e premte më 13 tetor ambasadori i ri i Republikës së Kosovës në Bullgari, Z. Haxhi Bajraktari në një ceremoni solemne, me nderime të larta shtetërore i ka dorëzuar letrat kredenciale tek Presidenti i Republikës së Bullgarisë, Rumen Radev. “Me..
Başbakan Nikolay Denkov , Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev’in ulusal güvenliğe yönelik riskler ve tehditler konusunda başlattığı istişare toplantısının ardından, “ çözülmesi gereken önemli konular olduğunda kurumlar bir arada olmalı” ded i . Denkov,..