A few hours after the news of Alexei Navalny's death, citizens organized a protest in front of the Russian embassy in Sofia. The call to hold the protest at 6:30 p.m. was made on Facebook by Nikolay Nenchev, former chairman of the Bulgarian Agricultural..
Representatives of 26 agrarian organizations organized a protest in front of the Council of Ministers building and are demanding the resignation of Agriculture Minister Kiril Vatev. The government has signed an agreement with the Bulgarian..
The Bulgarian Agrarian Chamber and the government are expected to sign an agreement on the measures that will be implemented by the state to support farmers. The signing of the memorandum puts an end to their protest actions...
Cetățenii se adună în fața Curții Constituționale în apărarea monedei leva. Protestul este organizat de partidul "Renașterea" , care a depus în aprilie anul trecut 604 000 de semnături pentru păstrarea levei bulgărești până în 2043. Ulterior, acolo..
Citizens are to gather today in front of the Constitutional Court in defense of the Bulgarian lev. The protest is organized by Vazrazhdane party. In April last year, Vazrazhdane submitted 604,000 signatures to the National Assembly to preserve the..
Organizațiile de ramură din sectorul agricol nu au decis încă dacă fermierii vor organiza un protest național, a relatat BNT. Vor avea loc întâlniri în cadrul asociațiilor pentru a discuta despre ceea ce a fost salutat ieri la o întâlnire cu premierul...
The branch organizations from the agricultural sector have not yet decided whether farmers will hold a national protest, BNT reported. Meetings are to be held withing the associations to discuss what was greed yesterday at a meeting with the..
We made the necessary compromises when we wrote the declaration with our demands, so we are not ready for more compromises, Iliya Prodanov, chairman of the Association of Grain Producers, said before entering the government building..
Sub sloganul "Curtea Constituțională sub asediu! Să apărăm legea și democrația!", inițiativa „Justiție pentru toți" a organizat un protest în Piața Independenței din Sofia împotriva judecătorilor constituționali aleși de Parlament, Desislava Atanasova și..
The ''Justice for All'' initiative held a protest at Independence Square in central Sofia against the election of Desislava Atanasova and Borislav Belazelkov as Constitutional Court judges from the Parliamentary quota. The rally was held under the..