Another group of Bulgarian citizens has returned home early this morning from Lebanon. This happened with the assistance of the Foreign Ministry, the Bulgarian Embassy in Beirut and our Canadian partners, the Foreign Ministry said. With the help..
Another 80 Bulgarian citizens from Lebanon landed at Sofia airport on board the government’s plane. The number of evacuated people with two flights after September 30 is now 169. The latest flight was welcomed by Minister of..
The second group of 80 Bulgarians who wanted to leave Lebanon has taken off from Beirut to Sofia onboard the governmental Airbus. The plane is expected to land in Sofia after 7 pm. The second group of Bulgarians is ready for evacuation from..
Statul bulgar a început evacuarea cetățenilor bulgari care și-au exprimat dorința de a părăsi Beirutul după atacurile israeliene asupra Libanului. Unii dintre bulgarii aflați în Liban au fost deja evacuați cu Airbus-ul guvernamental, relatează..
Bulgaria has begun evacuating our fellow citizens who expressed a desire to leave Beirut following Israel's attacks on Lebanon. Some of the Bulgarians in Lebanon have already been evacuated on a government aircraft flight, BNR's correspondent Mira..
Im Sommer 2020 schien die Welt die Covid-Pandemie für einen Moment vergessen zu haben und wandte ihre Aufmerksamkeit dem Libanon zu. Das Land erlebte eine verheerende Explosion und Freiwillige aus der ganzen Welt, einschließlich Bulgarien, eilten..
In the summer of this year the world seemed to forget about the pandemic for a little while and turned its attention to Lebanon. The country was shaken by a devastating explosion and volunteers from all over the world, including Bulgaria,..
Bulgaria ha enviado ayuda humanitaria al Líbano en relación con la crisis en el país después de la potente explosión en el puerto de Beirut el pasado día 4 de agosto. El donativo se realiza a través de la Cruz Roja Búlgara a iniciativa del Ministerio..
Ningún ciudadano búlgaro ha resultado herido en la explosión en la capital libanesa Beirut, ha informado el Ministerio de Exteriores de Bulgaria. La deflagración en la zona del puerto se ha producido en proximidad a la Embajada de Bulgaria, pero no ha..
Bei der Explosion in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut seien keine bulgarischen Bürger verletzt worden, teilte das bulgarische Außenministerium mit. Die Explosion im Hafen von Beirut ereignete sich unweit von der bulgarischen Botschaft. Es gibt..