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Greenpeace Bulgaria organizează un protest pentru protejarea oceanelor

Greenpeace - Bulgaria solicită guvernului bulgar să ratifice Acordul internațional al ONU privind oceanele. Organizația a amplasat o caracatiță gonflabilă roz de mari dimensiuni în fața clădirii Consiliului de Miniștri din centrul Sofiei pentru a atrage..

04.03.25 12:15 |

Greenpeace Bulgaria holds protest in protection of oceans

Greenpeace - Bulgaria are calling on the Bulgarian government to ratify the UN International Ocean Agreement. The organization has placed a large pink inflatable octopus in front of the building of the Council of Ministers in central Sofia to draw..

04.03.25 11:35 |

Organizaciones ambientalistas búlgaras reclaman cambios en el Plan Nacional de Recuperación

Activistas ecológicos que han protestado frente a la Asamblea Nacional han lanzado un llamamiento de cambios en el Plan Nacional de Recuperación y Sostenibilidad. Reivindican la recuperación de la economía de la crisis generada por el coronavirus..

21.04.21 11:10 |
The protest in front of parliament building

Environmental organizations demand changes to national recovery plan

Eco-activists organized a protest in front of parliament building calling for changes to the national recovery and resilience plan, for economic recovery after the Covid crisis that will be less damaging to the climate and the environment and will..

21.04.21 11:05 |
Μπαλίν Μπαλίνοφ

Οικολογικές οργανώσεις ζητούν αλλαγές στο Σχέδιο Ανάκαμψης

Οικολόγοι ακτιβιστές διαδήλωσαν μπροστά στο κοινοβούλιο ζητώντας αλλαγές στο Εθνικό Σχέδιο Ανασυγκρότησης και Βιωσιμότητας. Οι διαδηλωτές ζήτησαν την ανάκαμψη από την κρίση του Covid με λιγότερες ζημιές στο κλίμα και το περιβάλλον και..

21.04.21 11:05 |
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