Prima statuie de marmură descoperită în orașul antic Heraclea Sintica , pe 3 iulie, este probabil a lui Lucius - nepotul împăratului roman Octavian August, a anunțat profesorul Liudmil Vagalinski, care se ocupă de săpături. ”Nu există nicio..
The first marble statue discovered in the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica on 3 July, is probably of Lucius – grandson of Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus, announced Prof. Lyudmil Vagalinski who is in charge of the excavations...
La première statue de marbre découverte le 3 juillet dernier lors des fouilles archéologiques sur le site Heraclea Sintica est probablement celle de Lucius, petit-fils de l'empereur Octave Auguste, comme annoncé par le chef des fouilles, Ludmil Vagalinski...
Petrich municipality has received an award for original promotion of the tourist destination Heraclea Sintica , Katya Stoyanova, head of the "Restoration, conservation and socialization of Heraclea Sintica" project, said this for BTA. The award..
The head of a statue has been unearthed during excavations in the great canal of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica located in Southwestern Bulgaria, close to the town of Petrich. The head longs to the statue that was discovered a few days ago..
Arheologii bulgari au descoperit o a doua statuie în marele canal de canalizare al orașului antic Heraclea Sintica. Totul s-a întâmplat pe la ora 11.00, pe 20 septembrie, când arheologii din echipa Prof. Dr. Ludmil Vagalinski au dat peste o altă..
20 Eylül saat 11 civarında, Prof. Dr. Lyudmil Vagalinski’nin ekibinden arkeologlar, Antik kent Heraclea Sintica’nın büyük kanalizasyon kanalında ikinci heykel keşfettiler . BGNES’in Archaeologia Bulgarica sitesine dayandırdığı..
Bulgarische Archäologen haben im großen Abwasserkanal der antiken Stadt Heraclea Sintica eine zweite Statue entdeckt. Buchstäblich um 11.00 Uhr am 20. September stießen Archäologen aus dem Team von Prof. Dr. Ljudmil Wagalinski auf eine weitere..
Bulgarian archaeologists have discovered a second statue in the large sewage channel of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica. Around 11 a.m. on September 20, the team led by Professor Dr. Lyudmil Vagalinski came across another marble sculpture near..
The big marble statue found recently in the ancient town of Heraclea Sintica has been moved to the History Museum in Petrich. Archaeologists make new significant discovery in Heraclea Sintica Heraclea Sintica reveals more of its ancient..