Han pasado 21 años desde el atentado con camión bomba en la base "India" en la ciudad de Karbala, en el que murieron cinco soldados del primer contingente búlgaro en Irak. En Karlovo, los soldados de la 61ª Brigada Mecanizada rindieron homenaje y..
El 27 de diciembre de 2024 se cumplen 21 años del atentado con un camión bomba contra la base "India" en Karbala, Irak. La explosión se llevó la vida de cinco militares del primer contingente militar búlgaro que participó en la operación de..
Twenty years after the terrorist attack against the base “India” in Karbala, in which five Bulgarian servicemen were killed, the date was marked at the Central Military Club in Sofia with a screening of the film “Stories from Karbala”, BGNES..
Urmează premiera filmului documentar "Războiul nostru străin". În decurs de o oră și jumătate, care trec imperceptibil pe ecran, documentarul relatează soarta Batalionului 2 bulgar în Irak în 2004. Misiunea lor este dramatică. Ei și-au făcut datoria după..
The premiere of the documentary film Our Foreign War is forthcoming. Within an hour and a half, which pass imperceptibly on the screen, the documentary recounts the fate of the 2nd Bulgarian Battalion in Iraq in 2004 . Their mission is dramatic...
December 27, 2022, marks the 19th anniversary of the truck-bomb terrorist attack against the "India" military base in Karbala, Iraq , which claimed the lives of five Bulgarian servicemen and injured dozens of others. The Bulgarian military contingent..
Soldiers from the 61st Stryama Mechanized Brigade in Karlovo paid military tribute to the victims of the 2003 attack on the Bulgarian base in Karbala and laid wreaths and flowers at the monument to those killed in the fight against global terrorism...
In Bulgaria's Karlovo, military men have paid honor to the heroism of 13 Bulgarian servicemen who died in operations of the multinational forces in Iraq . 17 years ago on December 27, a bombing attack in Karbala, Iraq, killed five Bulgarian soldiers..
Requiems in memory of the Bulgarian soldiers, who died 13 years ago in the Iraqi city of Karbala, were held in their native places on Tuesday. On December 27, 2003 five Bulgarian military men died and 27 were severely wounded in a truck-bomb terrorist..