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Борис Руге в Хърватия , 30.10.24 г.

Kaléidoscope des Balkans

Dissensions en Croatie sur le déploiement de soldats croates dans le cadre de la mission d’assistance à l’Ukraine de l’OTAN Le secrétaire général adjoint de l'OTAN Boris Ruge a effectué une Visite en Croatie pour expliquer aux députés croates les..

01.11.24 14:00 |
Борис Руге в Хърватия , 30.10.24 г.

Calidoscopio Balcánico

Polémica en Croacia por el despliegue de tropas en la misión de la OTAN en apoyo de Ucrania El vicesecretario general de la OTAN, Boris Rugge, visitó Croacia para explicar a los legisladores locales los objetivos de la misión de..

01.11.24 11:38 |
Georgi Tachow

Bulgarien ist Partnerland der Agra-Messe in Slowenien

Bulgarien ist zum ersten Mal Partnerland der Internationalen Messe für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung „Agra 2024“. Sie findet vom 24. bis zum 29. August 2024 in Gornja Radgona, Slowenien, statt. Der bulgarische Minister für Landwirtschaft und..

22.08.24 16:25 |

Botev Plovdiv draws vs. Maribor, qualifies for Europa League second qualifying round

The holder of the Bulgarian Cup Botev Plovdiv qualified for the second qualifying round of the football tournament UEFA Europa League after a 2-2 draw against Maribor, Slovenia. In the first match Botev Plovdiv won by 2-1. In the 13 th..

19.07.24 08:37 |

Botev Plovdiv defeats Maribor in the first qualifying round of Europa League

Botev Plovdiv won 2-1 at home against Maribor (Slovenia) in the first qualifying round of the Europa League football tournament. Anthony Ujah scored the first goal for Botev. Pijus Sirvys equalized following a goalkeeper's mistake. Minutes after..

12.07.24 09:09 |

Medalie de bronz pentru Irene Saraboyukova la Festivalul Olimpic al Tineretului

Irene Sarabojukova a adus o a doua medalie pentru Bulgaria la Festivalul Olimpic al Tineretului de la Maribor, Slovenia. În ultima zi a forumului, ea a câștigat bronzul la săritura în înălțime, trecând de proba de 180 cm cu 3 cm mai puțin, de campioana..

29.07.23 18:55 |

Bronze medal for athlete Irene Saraboyukova at the EYOF 2023

Irene Saraboyukova won a second medal for Bulgaria at the European Youth Olympic Festival, Slovenia . On the last day of the tournament in Maribor, she won bronze in the high jump , clearing 180 cm - 3 cm less than the champion Ella Obeta from Germany..

29.07.23 17:17 |

Bulgaria at the top of the WBT Silver Belt tournament team standings

The successful performance of the Bulgarian boxers in the WBT Silver Belt tournament in Maribor, Slovenia,  has placed the country at the top of the team rankings.  There were 6 Bulgarian athletes in the competition, who earned Bulgaria 4..

30.10.22 11:35 |

Izabela Yankova holt für Bulgarien ersten europäischen Radsport-Titel

Die 17-jährige Izabela Yankova holte für Bulgarien im slowenischen Maribor bei der Europameisterschaft im Mountainbike für Mädchen in der Disziplin Downhill die Goldmedaille, berichtet Sportal. Yankova trainiert im Club Riders United in Smoljan und sorgte..

10.08.21 09:08 |
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