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Maya Manolova

Tremors in the left-wing coalition due to BSP's intention to govern with GERB

The leader of Stand Up.BG Maya Manolova described the possible participation of BSP in a joint government with GERB as a "kiss of death". The National Council of BSP is currently holding a meeting to decide whether the party should..

12.01.25 17:00 |

Démantèlement du monument de l’armée rouge : le PS appelle à manifester

Le PS et le parti "Renaissance" organisent ce soir une manifestation contre le démantèlement du monument de l’armée rouge. "Ne leur permettons pas de poursuivre ce vandalisme au détriment de l’histoire et la mémoire des Bulgares", a appelé Ivan..

13.12.23 17:46 |
Presenting the Left coalition, 12 February, 2023

Alternative to BSP, coalition Left, to run in 2 April election

Former members of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) set up a coalition called Left . The formation comprises: Rumen Petkov of ABV , Maya Manolova of Rise Up , Tatyana Doncheva of Movement 21, Georgi Kadiev of Normal State , as..

12.02.23 14:42 |

Mothers from "The System is Killing Us" go to the elections with "Stand Up, Bulgaria"

The mothers of children with disabilities, united by the initiative "The system is killing us", have announced that they are going to the early parliamentary elections on October 2 together with "Stand Up, Bulgaria", the civil organization of the former..

21.08.22 14:59 |

Maya Manolova a créé le parti "Debout la Bulgarie"

Le projet civil de l'ancienne de l'ancienne Défenseur des droits Maya Manolova "Debout la Bulgarie" est officiellement devenu un parti. Après son assemblée constitutive le nouveau parti va entamer une tournée du pays sous le mot d'ordre "Nouveau contrat..

01.05.22 16:53 |

Maya Manolova “İzpravi se Bılgariya” partisini kurdu

Eski ombudsman Maya Manolova’nın “Ayağa kalk Bulgaristan” anlamına gelen “İzpravi se Bılgariya” adlı sivil hareketi bugün resmi olarak parti statüsüne geçti.  Kurultay ardından yeni parti temsilcileri “Yeni sosyal sözleşme, senin emeğin..

01.05.22 16:48 |
Maya Manolova

Stand Up Bulgaria party is founded

The Stand Up Bulgaria party was officially established today. Former Ombudsman Maya Manolova was elected as its leader. The newly-founded party is to start touring the country under the motto “A new social contract- you deserve more for your work”...

01.05.22 16:15 |

Maya Manolova calls for temporary ban on electricity exports

The leader of the Civic Platform "Stand Up.BG" Maya Manolova believes that a possible temporary ban on the export of electricity will allow cheap electricity from Kozloduy NPP to be for Bulgarian companies and households. In Vidin, where she met with..

26.09.21 17:35 |

Maya Manolova elektrik ihracatının geçici yasaklanmasını istiyor

‘İizpravi se.BG ’ sivil platformunun lideri Maya Manolova , elektrik ihracatının  olası geçici yasağının ‘Kozloduy’ nükleer üretim santralince üretilen ucuz elektriğin Bulgar şirket ve haneleri tarafından kullanılmasına olanak yaratacağını..

26.09.21 17:33 |
Maya Manolova

“İzpravi se, BG! Nie İdvame”, “saygınlar” ile seçim koalisyonu öneriyor

“İzpravi se, BG! Nie İdvame!” grubunun başkanı Maya Manolova, “Demokratik Bulgaristan” ve bir önceki geçici hükümette bakan olan Kiril Petkov ve Asen Vasilev’in “Prodıljavame Promyanata” partisi ile seçim öncesi koalisyon kurulmasını önerdi...

20.09.21 19:29 |
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