Premiera primului concert din lume pentru vioară, acordeon și orchestră, compus de Minko Lambov, va avea loc pe 29 ianuarie la Clubul Militar Central, astăzi la ora 19.00. Concertul din cadrul proiectului numit „Inspirație”, împletește elemente de..
L’unique en son genre Concerto pour violon, accordéon et orchestre composé par Minko Lambov sera interprété en première ce 29 janvier au Cercle des Armées de Sofia. Ce concert qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet "Inspiration" repose sur des..
The world premiere of the first-ever concerto for violin, accordion and orchestra, composed by Minko Lambov, will take place on January 29 at the Central Military Club. It will start at 7:00 pm. The concerto, which is part of the Inspiration..
Everybody Needs a Little More Jazz – this is the motto chosen by singer AnaBella – Ana Topalova and composer Minko Lambov for their upcoming concert. "This is a gift for all connoisseurs of the elegant, beautiful, exquisite and deep feeling..