Podcast en español

author: Veneta Nikolova

Bulgaria as a cycling destination, or what is lacking?

Despite its undeniable potential for cycling tourism, Bulgaria continues to be on the periphery of global trends in this field. The reasons for this are at first glance contradictory . On the one hand, Bulgaria is a paradise for nature lovers..

07.09.20 06:00 |

Festival de la Pesca en Tsarevo prepara sorpresas culinarias

Por décima vez consecutiva el Ayuntamiento de Tsarevo alegrará a los turistas con fresca sopa de pescado, ostras y muchos otros platos de marisco. El 6 de septiembre el tradicional Festival del Pescado de Tsarevo ofrecerá a sus visitantes la..

06.09.20 05:05 |
Neutzikon Fortress near Mezek

Svilengrad as region famous of silk, fortresses, ancient churches and wildlife

The town of Svilengrad is on the border with Turkey and the busiest border checkpoint with Bulgaria’s southern neighbor is situated here. In the recent past the town used to be known as the Bulgarian Las Vegas because of the big number of casinos..

05.09.20 05:30 |
Puente de Lisitsite

Seis maneras poco estándares de conocer Bulgaria

A pesar de la pandemia las personas no han dejado de viajar. A expensas del turismo en masa que causó daños irreparables sobre la naturaleza y los centros históricos y culturales por el mundo, ahora salen en primer plano los viajes individuales, lejos de..

04.09.20 12:53 |

6 formules insolites pour mieux connaître la Bulgarie

Le temps n’est plus au tourisme de masse, qui a causé tant de dégâts irréparables à la nature et aux sites emblématiques du patrimoine culturel et historique de l’humanité. Maintenant, les voyages individuels sont devenus tendance, il est bon de voyager à..

04.09.20 09:33 |
Mezek köyü yakınlarındaki Ortaçağ'dan kalma “Neutzikon” kalesi

Tarihi ve doğa güzellikleri ile Svilengrad şehri

Svilengrad şehri Türkiye sınırımızda bulunuyor. Türkiye ile en yoğun sınır kapısı da bulunuyor. Yakına gelince birçok gazinosundan dolayı Bulgaristan’ın Las Vegas’ı olarak anılan bu şehir Covid-19 pandemisi döneminde ıssızlaştı. Svilengrad şehri..

02.09.20 16:41 |
La fortaleza medieval Neutzikon, cerca del pueblo de Mezek

Svilengrad, la ciudad de la seda, las fortalezas, los templos antiguos y la naturaleza salvaje

Svilengrad se encuentra situada en la frontera misma de Bulgaria con Turquía. Funciona en ella el puesto fronterizo de circulación más intensa de pasajes y cargas con el vecino país del sur. Si en el pasado la ciudad tenía fama de ser la Las Vegas..

02.09.20 10:36 |

Traditional Bulgarian belt buckles - mysterious array of symbols and messages

Belt buckles, called pafti are a typical Bulgarian folklore ornament. You will easily recognize them as an element of folk costumes from various regions of Bulgaria. These decorative accents from traditional Bulgarian clothing can be found..

30.08.20 05:00 |

Bulgaristan bisiklet turizmi güzergahı olabilir mi?

Bulgaristan bisiklet turizmi için çok elverişli olsa da, dünyada bu rotaların arkasında kalıyor. Bunun nedenleri çok çelişkili. Bir yandan Bulgaristan çevrecilerin ve macera severlerin cenneti sayılır ve bisikletçiler şehirden çıkarak, dağın ve doğanın..

29.08.20 05:30 |

Vicissitudes of Saint George Rotunda

Sofia offers unlimited opportunities for historical walks. The Saint George Rotunda is among the most-visited sites in Bulgaria’s capital. This is the oldest ancient building in the capital city which was relatively well preserved . It was..

29.08.20 05:00 |