There is no immediate danger to the territory or citizens of Bulgaria, Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said after last night's extraordinary meeting with the participation of ministers and heads of security services on the occasion of the events in the..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov has summoned a meeting this evening regarding the aggravated situation in the Russian Federation , the government press service announced. It will be attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister..
In an official announcement on its website, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns Bulgarians to avoid travelling to Russia because of the military tension in the Rostov region and the risk of unrest in the country. "We warn Bulgarians to..
"The situation in Russia is dynamic. We need to know the real reasons for what is happening - whether Prigozhin's goal is the overthrow of Putin or his old quarrels with the Ministry of Defense and the struggle for supremacy at the front". This was..
On June 20, Russia launched airstrikes with missiles and drones against the Ukrainian city of Lviv, as well as Kyiv, and the city of Zaporizhzhia. According to the spokesperson of the "Operational Command South" Nataliya Gumenyuk,..
Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg have joined NATO's Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative (MAWI). It plays a key role in enabling the advance deployment of ammunition stocks in support of NATO's multinational battle groups on the..
According to Peter Chumakov from Kherson, chairman of the Bulgarian Khan Kubrat Association, politicians had failed to support ethnic Bulgarians in Ukraine. "For two days we had no contact with our relatives, acquaintances - Peter Chomakov told..
51% of people in Bulgaria want to see the restoration of cooperation with Russia in full after the war, according to a survey by the European Council for Foreign Relations. Around one-third of people in Austria and in Hungary, and one-quarter of..
If you believe Putin, then one day he will come to Bulgaria, civil and political activist Lev Ponomaryov, who lives in Paris says in an interview with the BNR. “With Putin, there is no empathy to people at all. When circumstances allow..
“I most strongly condemn the attack on Nova Kakhovka dam which endangers numerous civilians, poses serious risks to environment as well as threatens security at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Those responsible for this outrageous act should be..